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eventually, the boys and mrs park had made their way to yoongis house, due to yoongi putting his address on her gps. the street lights flickered as a few cars drove past lighting up the area but soon swallowed back into darkness.

"park a few houses down" jimin said looking at his mum through the mirror at the front of the car.

"got it" she replied pulling into a space between two other cars.

yoongi looked at jimin, he was scared and didn't want jimin to end up hurt.

"you ready" jimin asked taking off his and yoongis seat belts.

the mint boy nodded and opened the car door, yoongi led jimin around the back of the house and jumped the garden fence. the garden was filled with over grown grass and a ancient shed near the back. there was no lushness or life to the garden.

yoongi tapped jimins shoulder and pointed at his bedroom window. jimin gave yoongi a boost and lifted him up. the two boys then climbed the house using the pipe that ran along side the brick walls. the mint boy slipped through the opened window and was soon followed by the red head.

jimin looked around yoongis small room, it was cold and felt eerie. the walls were a dirty white colour with cracks in the wall that looked liked they'd been done by a punch. the room only contained a bed, a small closet and desk full of scrunched up papers.

while the younger was studying the room, yoongi began to fill a big backpack. quickly filling it with underwear, sweaters and a few pairs of jeans. he then walking over to his desk he picked up a small key in case he ever needed to come back.

the red head was lost in thought and tripped over a skateboard that was in the middle off yoongi messy floor, both the boys looked at each other, fear building up inside of them as they heard footsteps making there way up the creaky stairs.

in panic yoongi made jimin hide under his bed along with his bag, as his dad walked in, he saw yoongi pushing something under there.

"yoongi!" mr min shouted angrily walking up to the trembling boy.

jimin covered his mouth with his hands scared that mr min may hear his breathing.

"where have you been!?" mr min slurred taking a swing of the bottle in his hand.

yoongi just shrugged to scared to look his father in the eye.

"were you with that little boyfriend of yours, eh?" mr min laughed dropping his glass and pushing yoongi harshly. "you know its disgusting" he added moving closer to yoongis ear.

yoongi began to blush at the thought of jimin being his boyfriend. but pushed his dad back, sick of being bullied by him. however his push did nothing his dad just laughed and left the room mumbling to himself. once he'd left, both the colourful haired boys made there way out of the rotting house and ran back to mrs parks car. she'd been texting taehyungs and jungkooks mums while waiting.

"you boys okay?!" she asked worry in her voice as she scanned the boys faces.

jimin answered and yoongi just nodded hugging his backpack.

"good or i would have messed him up" she replied starting the car up.

jimin face palmed at his mothers words again.


later on the small boys were in their pyjamas, watching tv with mrs park. she had some drama on that the boys weren't really taking notice of they just laid against each other on the sofa. yoongi was thankful that jimin was willing to get to know him even if everyone else found him strange.

both the boys eyes were slowly closing until mrs park laughed at her phone screen.

"mum yoongi was almost asleep" jimin groaned holding the older closely.

"no, no! jungkooks mum caught tae and kookie trying to get it on with each other" mrs park was in fits of laughter and began to text her friends back.

jimin rolled his eyes at how his mum acted like a teenager.

"come on yoongi" jimin mumbled rubbing his eyes, then grabbing the olders hand and walking up to bed. yoongi looked at theirs hands and blushed.

jimin turned his bedroom lamp on and got into bed, yoongi closed the door and went to check on his backpack.

the red head watched yoongi and patted his bed for him to come over.

"yoongi..." jimin trailed off, as the older snuggled into bed and nodded.

"well i think you're really c-cute, and you mean a lot to m-me and so—" jimin face palmed at how much he stuttered but looked down at yoongi.

both the boys began to feel butterflies fill their stomachs and heat flowing to their cheeks.

"you know what, never mind" jimin smiled and turned over so yoongi couldn't see him.

yoongi just sat confused but let it slide, he then put an alarm on his phone and began to fall asleep. but felt jimin snuggle his head into the crook of his pale neck. instinctively, yoongi wrapped his arms around the small boy and pulled him closer to his chest to keep him warm.

when snores started to leave jimin mouth, yoongi looked down at the younger. his top was hanging loosely off his body, revealing his toned stomach. curiously, the older moved his hand and placed it under jimins top. he then ran his fingers over the dips and curves of the youngers stomach.

"like what you see" jimin mumbled keeping his eyes closed.

yoongi felt heat rushed to his face and quickly laid back down, facing the wall so jimin couldn't see him.

jimin giggled and wrapped his arms around yoongi leaning his head against the olders back.

"goodnight yoongi~"

just a filler hehe this was kinda terrible im running out of inspiration ughhhhh sorry for typos :3 and thank you for nearly 1k votes ;D ily

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