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a few days had past and it was a rainy wednesday. yoongi no longer sat by himself at lunch, jimin, taehyung and jungkook always sat with him now. all the boys were eating the school crappy chips and chicken nuggets whilst yoongi just sipped on his apple juice and often stole a few of jimins chips.

"so i heard you and tae got caught in the middle of something" jimin teased wiggling his eyebrows at jungkook.

"mmm, i was so close to sucking his-"

"shut up tae" jungkook whined covering his red face.

jimin giggled at the couple. yoongi just blocked them all out and doodled in his notebook, jimin noticed the mint boy smiling at his work then scribbling something out and adding a few hearts and cute faces.

"what you drawing?" jimin asked with food in his chubby cheeks.

yoongi just shook his head and quickly put his notebook into his school backpack. he then put his backpack on his lap and hugged it in a protective way, not wanting any of them to steal it.

"ill give them till the end of the week to get together" kookie whispered to his boyfriend.

"i bet jimin asks" tae whispered back.


the last bell rang signalling it was time to go home. jimin had told yoongi to wait for him at his locker so they could walk home together. as yoongi waited he waved goodbye to jungkook and tae as they walked home hand in hand. he wished jimin would hold his hand when they walked home, he then huffed and leaned against jimins locker.

"sorry im late, mr joon wanted to talk about my grade" jimin chatted, opening a his locker and pulling out a black umbrella.

the two boys walked out the school building and began to walk home, as the rain began to hit their head, jimin opened his umbrella making sure to cover his and yoongis heads. the sky was tar-black. the boys quickened their pace as the clouds began to gather in the sky.

the walk was mainly silent all that could be heard was the rain falling onto the cold ground and jimins quiet humming. yoongi just stared down at the boys hand, he really wanted to hold it but was scared in case jimin would reject it.

"its cold isn't it" jimin mumbled, he saw the older wasn't looking at him and followed his gaze. he giggled quietly catching yoongis attention.

"you can hold my hand yoongi, i don't mind" jimin smiled taking the olders pale hand into his.

yoongi shoved his face into his huge scarf to hide his blush and held on tightly to jimins hand all the way back to the house.

as the boys entered the warm house, the smell of vanilla hit their noses and the cosy feeling sank in. jimin put down his umbrella and the colourful boys went upstairs. they both took of their wet clothes chucking them into a pile. yoongi felt self concious and tried to cover himself with his school bag, he watched jimin throw on a black sweater and some basketball shorts on.

"its rude to stare yoongi" jimin teased throwing a top at him. yoongi just nodded looking away blushing, he then pulled on some sweatpants and a hoodie and sat looking at his hands.

"are you okay?" jimin asked sitting in front of the older.

yoongi nodded and pulled out a piece of folded paper and handed it to jimin, he then ran into the bathroom leaving jimin confused on the hard floor. the red head shook his head giggling he then unfolded the piece of paper and began to read.


i like it when you hold my hand and cuddle me,

i am thankful for everything you've done and i thought,

isnt it strange that every time,

i look at your name, im suddenly high.

for you too feel the same i would do almost anything....

would you want me, if i wanted you that way?  '

jimin froze. he could feel the heat rising into my cheeks. his cheeks burned as they got redder and redder. he re-read the small letter over and over, the feeling wasn't sinking in. while yoongi just sat on the bathroom floor hoping jimin wouldn't be mad.

the flushed red head made his way to the bathroom door and knocked, yoongi got up and opened it looking at his feet. both of them were a blushed mess yoongi saw his letter in jimin hand and covered his face.

"yoongi....i like you" jimin mumbled lifting yoongis head up, the two met eyes. jimin almond ones were piercing into yoongi chocolate ones.

jimin moved his head closer but yoongi moved back, he had tears falling down his face.

"what's wrong" jimin yelped wiping yoongis tears with his sleeve.

yoongi just stood smiling in the white bathroom, he was just too happy his emotions were all over the place. jimin held the younger face he watched yoongi give him a gummy smile.

"will you be my boyfriend?" jimin asked confidently.

yoongi nodded, and put his hands to his face, he was happy but yet so excited. jimin was his first boyfriend and he was glad with his choice. the two then walked back to jimins room and sat on the floor, both of them were too flushed to speak.

yoongi wrote.

'can we kiss ...?'

jimin was worried, he looked up at yoongi and sighed.

"yoongi, am i your first boyfriend?" jimin asked softly rubbing the olders thigh.

the mint boy looked away and nodded slowly, even more embarrassed. he pulled his selves over his hands and put them together.

"i don't want to ruin your first kiss" jimin smiled, his eyes turning into a crescent shape. he was still annoyed that hoseok stole his first kiss in a truth or dare game.

yoongi watched jimins face he didn't care he wanted to kiss the younger, the taller then lent in and left a quick peck on jimins plump lips blushing after. jimin then kissed yoongis cheek to shy to kiss his lips again.


later on the boys decided to order pizza. again. and watch some old 90's film on the tv snuggled up together in big blankets. yoongi had fallen asleep on jimins shoulder but jimin was still awake caressing the olders cheek.

"im home" mrs park shouted taking off her coat and entering the living room.

"shhhh mum yoongis asleep" jimin sighed annoyed about how loud his mum always is.

"you're both so cute" mrs park chirped. she envied how her friends sons were in relationships an wanted to gossip about her sons love life as well.

"were together now, i kinda asked him" jimin said bluntly looking down at yoongi who's mouth was ajar and hands were clutching onto jimins shirt.

mrs park squealed jumping up and down in excitement.

"finally" she sighed putting her hand on her chest sighing in relief.

"mum, i want to take yoongi on a date. help me please." jimin whispered making sure yoongi was still asleep.

"oh my lord! you're letting me plan your date" mrs park exclaimed.

"yes mum now be quiet, he might hear" jimin grumbled playing with yoongis fluffy hair.

mrs park then went into the kitchen and texted mrs kim and mrs jeon the news squealing as she wrote it.

if u know the song you get a gold star (:


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