Can never change a team player

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Randy and I have been together for about 6 months and every thing has been going good, he asked me to accompany him on his trip two New York for his draft try outs. I showed him around and he had a ball. He graduated college around the same week I graduated high school. They threw Bryan an I a big graduation party. I moved in with Randy at the hotel because he needs the company and aunt Linda's house is to far. From the inner city.

*buzz buzz*

Text from babe

"I'm going to be in late tonight guys what to hang out."

"Ok in that case ill go spend some time with Angela!"

"Ok love you babe be safe ;*.

"Love you too."

I checked to see if she was home and he was I grabbed my keys and bag and drove to Angela's apartment that she got with her man Austin. He just got back from the army three months ago and might I as he was looking better then when I last saw him. He wanted a new life so he moved down here with Angela and she was happy.

I knocked and maybe about two minuets later she opened it. The smell of Mangu hit my nose soo good and if your wondering what Mangu is it's a Spanish dish made of fried mashed plantain (platanos) and to make it better add some fried eggs, fried salami and fried cheese. It taste so good mom use to make this when we where little.

" I made your favorite"

"I can smell is it done yet!"

"Ten more minutes"

"Ok,wow you guys fixed up here nice!"

"Yeah took a lot of work he even has a whole room for his idle Bob Marley well it's more of a guy lounge that I let him have since he let me do every thing else."

she started frying the salami and I felt a little woozy my stomach caught a funny feeling and I was about to threw up. I bolted toward the bathroom and made it in time before I vomited. Angela came and rubbed tiny circles on my back. I did it about two more times.

"Hey here's some water!'

I washed my mouth out and drank the water. Before I could even get it down I did it again. "What the hell is going on with me?" I said to myself.

"Kim when is the last time you had your period?"

Well that question struck a bell.

"Now that I think about it I skipped two periods. You don't think?"

"Ill run to the store downstairs and buy one just stay here."

I didn't say any thing. I can't be pregnant I'm only so young Randy is starting his career with the Giants but I'm going to have to tell him. Angela came back and handed me the test I'm telling you this has to be the longest minute in my life. I looked at the test and guess what it sure was positive. I started crying and Angela came and cradled me.

"Baby girl don't worry your going to be a grate mom an he is going to be a grate dad you can handle this I know you can!"

I whipped away my tears and looked my sister in the eyes.

"You know what your right I will be a good mom! And I'm pretty sure he won't back out on his child!"

We chatted and ate a little until I saw the clock and saw that it was almost 12 and Randy still hasn't called or checked up on me,Must of been tired. I said my good byes to Angela an Austin. It was 1230 when I got to the hotel and ever since I walked threw the door every one has been trying to keep me busy from going upstairs with question after question. I finally got fed up and made my way to the top floor. Something is wrong here why the fuck do I hear groaning. I walked closer to the bed room and I herd moans from a girl and a loud groan come from HIM.

I bust opened the bed room door. To find Randy on top of some slut. He jumped up with wide eyes. The bitch jumped out of the bed all the way to the other side of the room. I wanted to rip her fucking head of but not like I wanted to rip Randy's dick and balls off and shove it so far down his this throat. But you know what I'm not going to fight him or her because I have a baby inside of me and because of his action I'm going to leave. Not a tear came from my eyes in the room because I didn't want to look like a whimp so grabbed my pink back and pushed a whole bunch of clothes in there.

He kept apologizing but I wasn't having that he was about to touch me but then I. Smacked him in the face hard it was a quick reaction.

"Don't touch me don't talk to me don't come no where near me right now you lost that right."

"Let me explain!" He yelled.

"Explain what how you dick magically fell into her Virginia." I yelled back

"It's not like that?"

"It's sure what the hell it looks like to me!"

"Just here me out!"

"Why should I, I knew it was only a matter of time before you went back to your player ways." I screamed walking toward the elevator.

"Oh my god! Kim I've changed." He grabbed my arm and yanked back toward him. Before he saw it coming I punched him in his eye and stepped inside the elevator. When I got down stairs everyone looked at me with grief. Next thing I knew here comes a angry Randy. I ran out the building and he ran after me since I ran track in high school he was up for a little challenge. I made it to my car I opened the door to have it shut by randy who had angry written all over his face. Pined me against my car. He was breathing hard.

"What car got your tongue? What do you want?"

"No! Just let me explain!"

"You have nothing to explain! I thought you were different and I turns out that you aren't."I said with disgust.

"Baby don't look at me like that. I know what I did was wrong I know that but we can work it out please please!" He said with tears in his eyes.

"Hmm your so tough but so soft in the inside. And we have nothing to work out you proved to me that you didn't change! And I'm pretty sure your going to be fine with out me!" I pushed him off of me and got into the car before he it back up.

"Kimberly listen to me!" He smacked the glass. I put the car in drive and he did it again. I pulled off before he could do anything else.

I decided to make a promise to myself that I take care and do everything I can do for my child no matter how difficult it may be.

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