Oh boy!

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Keri POV

You just been a quick fuck since high school. Played reputably.

"I can't believe this shit I thought everything he said was true. I've been putting up with his shit since the tenth grade. Anything and anywhere he wanted it he had it. Then all of a sudden he goes to college in ten finds some little girl that is at least four to five years younger then him. Falls in love and now all I was, was a quick fuck. This mutha fucka must of bumped his big ass head falling for this little ass girl I bet she don't even know how to work him how I can." I said to my main Snake.

"So what's the plan ma?"

"Well a little bird told me..."


Sitting up on my bed it is now four thirty am and I have not gotten some shut eye. I have been worried sick about my kids even though I know they are safe it's a mothers job to protect her cubs at all times and right now I feel so help less because they are not next to me. I don't know if that crazy bitch got snakes giving her in site on my babies. I swear If she touches my kids I will kill the bitch wake her back up and kill her ass again. I already lost three important people in my life and I don't plan on losing anyone else especially my angels.

*three months later Christmas time*

Three months has past since that girl threatened my family and I ain't seen the bitch try and get us yet. A lot has happened for the past three months the kids started school. Before school started the school had to test them to see what level they where on I'm guessing to put them in the proper grade but anyway both of them tested out to have a second grade reading and math. I am so proud of them to be four and in the second grade I was so excited. Other from the kids starting school. Kemani and I started dating but lately we ain't been on good terms he gets drunk every night and expect to come to my house in the middle of the night and try and get some pussy. 'nigga's now a days got no damn sense.'

Randy on the other hand has been a good dad I must admit. He does his job as a father and picks up the kids from school when I'm running late he give me money every day for each which is insane because it's like 400 each but hey I'm not complaining I put all the money he gives me in there saving account. Other from him being a good dad he also treats me good he calls and ask if I'm hungry or want a brake to get things done. He does things kemani never thinks about doing like kemani don't call me to check up on me well he use to but now he don't. kemani don't ever come over with something to eat he just comes to my house like he own that shit and try and boss me around like I'm a little slave who depends on him. It's like I'm this nigga wife we just started dating three months ago and now I'm starting to regret it.

It is a week before Christmas and I plan on going shopping right after work because sales start today and I have to get everyone a gift.


Text message from Randy

"Hey Kim what are you doing after work?"


"Shopping for Christmas. why what's up?"


"Ok good because that's what I was hoping you could help me with. I don't know what to get anybody specially our spoiled kids so would you mind of I tagged along?"

I thought about it for a second.


Yeah sure why not I will pick you up at four I will have jay pick up the kids he has been complaining lately on not being able to see his niece and nephew when ever he comes over.

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