Can you tell me who i am

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"Mommy please wake up!"

I can feel a little hand shaking my arm.

'Mommy when did I become a mom.'

I try to open my eyes but I can't it's like they are glued shut. 'ok lets try this again.' Forcing my eyes open to a dim light setting i can see that I am in a hospital bed but I don't know why.

Two tiny bodies clim on top of me with excitement.

"Mommmy! mommmy! your awake see my prayers worked!" a cute little girl and a handsome little boy said they both had curly hair and pink rosy cheeks. ' but I'm not their mommy I would remember having kids.'

"Sweetie I'm not your mommy I think you must be in the wrong room." I said looking at their adorable faces turn into a frown.

"But it's me Iyanna and that's Ayden mommy you don't remember us." she said pointing to the little boy who was looking up at me frowning.

"No. I don't sweetie." tears started come from her eyes.

"Mommy you don't remember playing hide and seek with me and Ayden."

"No." I said in a low whisper.

A large body came over grabbing the two kids in his large arms. I could see he had been crying. the two kids started kicking and screaming that they don't want to leave they want to stay with their mommy.' Who they think is me.'

The large body exits the room and I look around to see that there was a couple more people In here who where crying.

The two females were very pretty one was thick but slim with short brown hair. The other one was medium build her eyes were blood shot red' but why' she had long hair and blue eyes.

The two females came over to the bed taking a seat on each side of me grabbing my hand.

"You don't remember us do you?" The medium build girl asked.

I shook my head.

"I don't know who you are. I don't even know my own name." I said in a low whisper.

Tears started to form in my eyes due to the fact that I don't remember anybody in this room or even who I am. The two girls rubbed circles on my hand.

"Can you tell me who I am since you know me." I said braking down.

The medium build one began.

"Well your name is Kimberly Tan. Your 21.You have two kids named Ayden and Iyanna. You own multiple franchises in the US Canada England and some small islands. You have two older siblings me Angella and the guy who took the kids out of the room his name is Jayciel. And that's Trina your best friend." she said pointing to the girl with the short hair.

"Thank you. but I still can't remember you or me." I cried.


I know it's another shirt chap but I will be updating later tonight

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