Rest in piece

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Grandma Kathy was so happy to see all he grand children. After a while we talking about the old times. Visiting hours was over so I told jay to take the kids to the car because I knew it was her time to go she was trying to fight it for everyone else not to see but I saw. I took a hold of her hand and it was cold as ice.

"I always knew you where the smart one." She whispered.

I could feel hot tears.

"You can't leave me yet."

Holding her hand trying to give her some of my energy like I had super powers.

"I don't want to baby but it is my time it time to for me to be with my husband." She said I felt the loosening of her grip on my hand. She was now stiff as a Rock. I kissed her head and began to sob walking out of the room. The nurse must of known why I was crying because she gave me the I'm sorry look.

I watched as they rolled her out of the room with the white sheet over her. I got into the car with out saying a word I just put my head of jays shoulder and cried. I was to weak to walk so Michael carried me to my old room in aunt Linda's house jay said he would keep the twins. 'I don't know what I would do with out him'.

I couldn't sleep so I just stayed up thinking about all of the times I had at her house. Most of my memories only didn't included nana but Randy. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I would of stayed. Your probably thinking I'm crazy for thinking that but I loved him down to the core. Even though he played. I played him even worst I left pregnant with twins and he has no idea that they are alive. I feel bad lying to my babies that there daddy is always busy and comes home when they are sleeping.

One time Iyanna asked me if he loved them because she doesn't feel like he loves them because he is never home.

When she said that I cried the whole night that night.

Kathy's funeral was the following week I haven't spoken to anybody since the night she has dyed she looked beautiful she looked like she was sleeping. When they closed the casket I broke down I felt someone rub my back. I knew it wasn't jay because Whosever it was had over sized hands which where soft the touch felt familiar something I haven't felt in a long time. My eyes where to watery so I didn't bother to look at a blur. I got up without looking at who ever it was but I could sense who ever it was was looking at my walk away.

Randy POV

I came to Tennessee when I found out that Kathy passed away I stayed at the hotel I owned 'well since my father passed over his businesses to me.'

I payed my respect to everyone. I was looking around for Kim because i know this is the only way I would ever see her again.I watched as they closed the casket at the end of the service and she broke down crying. I sat next to her rubbing her back she seem to have relaxed to my touch ' oh how I miss touching holding kissing her' I was hoping she would look up at me but she didn't I could tell her eyes where very watery. So I didn't blame he she would prob she blur. Kim got up and walked away to where jay was but she didn't stop to talk ' she was looking good although this is not the time to be complimenting but i have to admit she was thicker then I last saw her he hips where more round but she looked fit like she worked out a lot he hair was longer but a different color now more of a black but blue in the light.' But all I could do was watch he walk away from me again.

After the burial everyone went back to Linda's house to get some food. Everyone changed out of there fancy clothes to something more comfortable. I tried to see if Kim was around but she was not I went to her room and leaned against the door I could here two kids saying they are hungry and is she done. I couldn't here what she said but I guess she told them to wait. I knocked on the door and I herd tiny feet rushing to it. A little girl opened it she must have been about three four. Her hair was curly cheeks pink and rosy she had deep dimples in her cheeks. She was in a yellow dress with white toms.

"Hi." She said he voice small and cute something about this little girl reminded me of my younger sister Ariel.

"Hi sweetie." I said flicking her chin with the tip of my finger she laughed and ran to the closet.

"Mommy!"She said.

"Yes Iyanna?" Kim said.

Wait!what! Kim is a mom. I'm such an idiot why didnt I see it she has the same hair cheeks dimples laugh smile.

When she saw me she was dumb founded. Iyanna and another little boy was pulling her by her arms telling her they need to eat.

"Oh mom he's the one that was looking for you!" Iyanna said Turing to me pointing.

"Hey! What did I tell you about pointing at people you know better mama." She said in warning but calm tone.

"Now apologize for point!"

"Sowwy ...?"


"Sowwy randy I didn't mean to point at you."

"It's ok sweetie I said flicking her chin with my finger tip again."

Before she laughed I got hit by something small.

"Don't touch my swister mr!" The little boy said he looked just like Iyanna but the boy version of course must admit he was just as cute dimples hair he just had slighter blonde hair like Iyanna. He was dressed in kaki pants with a white polo shirt with a little vest over it he had on some white shoes to too it off.

"Ok how about you two go find jay or Angela!" She said looking at me with guilty eyes.

"Ok!" they said running out of the room.

I smirked at Kim who went back into her closet to finish getting dressed. I closed the door making her think I left. I walked into the closet and she must of known thought I really left because she was in her under wear.

I could see she had multiple tattoos she had a lion and lioness on her right and Iyanna and Ayden on her left.

i knows it was my fault I cheated on her for a thirty second fling and now i was was Trina who reminds me a lot of kim. now that I think of it she goes and get herself pregnant with someone else's baby's for revenge which is even more fucked up. They should be mine. I wonder of he is even In there lives because if he wasn't he is a dead beat leavening her with two kids. Ill kill him!'

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