Crazy bitch

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Keri POV

I can't believe him! I got a call from my girl Mandy telling me she saw randy with two kids. He told me I will always be his number one. He told me that he would come back for me. He told me I would be the mother of his kids. He told me he loved me and wanted me to be his wife.

I told her to look up some things on his baby mama. She sent me all of the information I needed like a picture of the hoe for one. Two her address.

I looked at the picture and it looked like the same girl that walked in on me and my man like four years ago while he was hitting my spot real good.

The bitch should of known she was a side hoe. Now she claiming that my man is her babies father. 'I got something good planed for her ass.'

Making my way out the door I grab my keys to head to Randy's house so we can work things out. I haven't seen or talked to my baby in ten months he said he needed space.

Getting to his house all the lights where off which indicates that he is not home. I pulled in the drive way I took the key that is behind the mailbox and opened the door to the house. I rushed up stairs to his bed room making it all romantic. After getting everything ready I sat there waiting for him to get home so we can make up.

Randy POV

The dinner went good. Everyone excepted the fact that I had kids after I told them everything that happened with me and kim. Mom said I need to work it out with her before someone else catches her on there hook. I totally agreed. after dinner the kids wanted to spend the night with Ariel my younger sister so I said yes.

Sitting in the game room with my brother James. We started talking about random shit.

"Yo so what ever happened to that crazy bitch Keri ?" he asked taking a sip of his beer.

"Um I told the Bitch I needed space ten months ago. I think she got the picture. I mean she fucked up my whole relationship with kim."

"Nah she ain't fuck it up you did you stuck that thing in her dirty ass."

"But I was waisted that night i dead ass though it was Kim she had the same smell and everything. But nah I think I messed up the girl head bad kid."

"Yeah you got to make sure she got the picture. But I want you to tell me what happened when you went to Tennessee. no bullshit like you told ma and pa." he said sitting up to hear my story.

"Ok so I got a call from Jason telling me that Kathy passed away. So I go down to ten to show my respect to the family you know because we kind of still are close even thought Kim and I where not together. So anyway I go and I see her crying so I sat down next to her to go rub her back she didn't look or say a word to me just got up and left. so after the funeral everyone goes back to main house for something to eat. so I go upstairs to her room and I hear giggling. so I knock on the door and a little girl opened the door. she was the most cutiest baby girl I have ever seen in my life. and in my head I'm like yo she look like Ariel when she was younger with the curly hair rosy cheeks...." Telling him the whole story from the funereal to the kids to back at the hotel room to her getting an attack to the vacation.

"Damn kid! You know moms is right you need to work shit out with Kim before that hoe or another hoe or man come between yah. And plus yah have two kids together yah need to be a family cause you don't want them two wondering why they momma and daddy not together. So what I'm going to need you to do is go home and think about what you need to do to get her back because a woman like Kim not just going to jump back into your arms."

"I know man but it's just so damn hard because I lost so much of her trust."

"Well go and earn it back. Go home and sleep on it. I will keep the kids Tomorrow just in case things get you know between you two."

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