♡Chapter 29♡

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"Lexie, please tell me you're not actually going back.." Morgan said sadly to me. 

"I wish I could, but I can't be here anymore." I said as I was grabbing my clothes quicky stuffing them in my suitcase refusing to let the tears fall. 

"But this is our apartment Lexie, how do you expect me to pay for it?" She asked.

"I don't know just go live with Ricky." I sighed.

"Please don't go back Lexie, it'll get better, I promise." She begged. 

"No, no it won't Morgan. Sam and I are done, Connor and I's friendship is fucked, the whole group hates me now, and you do too! We haven't talked in weeks, and now you just start to! Besides everything I need is back in Florida, I can't fucking be here anymore!" I cried. "Besides, it's August, there's only a month left anyways."

"So what, are you never going to come back?" She asked.

"Probably not Morgan, I need to just forget California ever happened. Nothing good came out of this at all, it didn't end how I thought it would. I expected it just to be me and you, two best friends spending our summer together forgetting everything but no, we had to go to fucking Vidcon and fall in love! I even left my fucking boyfriend who I was with for a year because of Sam, who is a fucking asshole! I'm done Morgan, I'm done! I'm leaving for good, and just.. Don't contact me again, any of you." I said as my tears just kept coming out as I spoke, it's like they wouldn't stop. I grabbed the last thing I had and rammed it in my suitcase zipping it up forcefully.

I grabbed my suitcase and took it off the bed rolling it with me to my door. I took one last look at my now empty room. So many memories here I can't even dare to look at it anymore. 


"So you're going to go G.." I said moving my hand to the correct chord on my acoustic guitar. "And then you go D.." I said moving it again to the correct spot. "And then you'll do E minor.." I said. "So basically the whole song is in G, D, and E minor." I said to Sam. He was failing completely which I obviously found cute. 

"Ugh, I give up on this guitar, I'd rather just spend my night kissing your beautiful face." He smirked as he started kissing me. I didn't kiss back because I was in the mood to tease him. I pulled away and he pouted. 

"Kiss me babe." He pouted. I laughed in response before setting my guitar down and giving him a little kiss on the lips. He smiled in the kiss and gave me one in return. 

"I love you baby." He smiled at me.

"Love you to Sammers!" I said hugging him tightly. 

~*~*~FLASHBACK #2~*~*~

"Sam how in the hell do you do this?" I asked as I kept falling off the penny board. 

"C'mon get back on, I'll hold you." Sam said holding my waist lightly. 

"Alright, we're gonna turn okay?" He said.

"Yeah, go." I said holding my fear. We suddenly turned and relief washed over me. Thank the lord. 

"Lexie, I'm not holding on anymore.." He said.

"Sam! I'M GONNA FUCKING FALL!!" I yelled in worry.

"No you won't trust me." He smiled. 

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