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I looked around for minutes trying to find the certain mid-sized car that I was getting picked up in. After about 10 minutes I saw a tall brunette figure leaning against it. He was wearing a dark blue tee with the sleeve's kind of rolled just a bit. The shirt read 'American Legend'. He had a bandana in his chocolate curls holding them back a bit, and lastly he was wearing regular jeans. Definitely looked good, that's no doubt. 

A big smile appeared on my face before he gave me a look asking me something. I nodded quickly and then we ran towards each other. He lifted me up quickly and I wrapped my arms around him tightly never letting go. He was still so tall compared to my short body, it was crazy. We probably looked so weird. He carefully set me down and then cupped my face with his large hands. He brought my lips up to his and connected them instantly. I gladly kissed him back and both of us smiled in the kiss. 

"I missed you." He said out of breath, his British accent thick. 

"I missed you more." I smiled up at him. "You smell amazing by the way." I complimented making him laugh. 

"You do too love, what is it? That One Direction perfume?" He asked with a smirk. 

"Nope, it's actually 'Bayla' by Aeropostale." I said with a goofy smile. He made me so happy. 

"Still smells great." He smiled kissing me again. "C'mon, you're probably tired. Let's get these bags in the car and take you home." He said grabbing my hand and walking away to go put my bags in the backseat. I got into the passengers and buckled myself up securely. I kicked my feet up on the dashboard and leaned back crossing my arms. I'm too tired and lazy to sit like a lady, that's overrated. 

He soon got into the car and buckled himself up, putting the key in the ignition. We drove off out of the airport pickup. For a few minutes it was pretty silent, not awkward, just nice. No one talked, our hands just intertwined. But finally after a solid 15 minutes he spoke up. 

"So, how was California?" He asked. 

"I'd rather forget about it." I laughed slightly. 

"Why darling?" He asked looking over at me in shock. 

"Nothing good happened. Like when I called you on Skype and told you stuff. I mean don't get me wrong, there were definitely some good parts of California. I mean I got to meet my idols, I got to spend the summer with my best friend. But the thing is, it's all gone now. I don't look at those boys as my idols anymore. I won't obsess over them on secret fan accounts anymore. I don't have Morgan as a best friend anymore, we pretty much hate each other. I also broke my own heart. Yes, it was Sam's fault because he was the asshole he was, but I just…I never should have left you for him, I should've stayed faithful but I didn't. In the end now that I look back at it, I think that it was just the fangirl part of me that loved Sam, not actually me. The actual me is only in love with one boy." I said. 

"Who is he?" He asked quietly. I smiled to myself slightly. He looks like such a bad boy, but really he is the most sweet, adorable, naive guy in the world. Except behind closed doors, sometimes that's when his innocent cheeky side is gone, and that's when he becomes the bad boy he looks like. I love it. 

"You." I said. "I love you. I will always love you." I smiled at him. A big goofy smile appeared on his face and it wouldn't fade. 

"I thought I'd never get you back." He smiled. 

"You never actually lost me babe. I just was under a spell, I feel so dumb looking back at it." I said with a tiny laugh. 

"Why don't you just put it behind you? I never stopped loving you obviously, and I would kill to be yours again. Just forget about it, forget about him, forget about California." He said. He was so right. I do need to put it behind me. What's the use of torturing myself over it? Everybody makes some sort of mistake in their life, and this just happened to be mine. I'm not going to hold it against myself, why should I anyways right? 

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