♡Chapter 18♡

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I tried to pry open my eyes but when the horribly bright light hit me, I was done. I tried a couple more time until I got used to the bright unknown light. Too bright might I add. I looked around taking in the unknown surrounding. The wall in front of me was an olive green color and it had a long counter going across it and then a cabinet at the left end. It also had a memo board and a flat screen on the wall. 

Then I looked to my right. There was a wood looking double door and then that wall just had a sink area, some monitor stuff, and a window for them to check up on me. I looked at my left and saw a little wing type thing you could say, kind of like a room extension that just had a couch and comfy chairs, it was small though. And then last was a bathroom too. 

I looked down again to my arms that were filled with multipl uncomfortable IV's that were plenty of different colors, and then I had that cool white thing hooked to my pointer finger on my right hand. I like the little white things they're comfy, judge me. 

I was kind of just enjoying the little silence that I had with myself, although you could faintly hear the TV and the monitors in the background, it was silent and I liked it. But of course, good things gotta come to an end right? Just as I was enjoying it, a nurse that looked around her early 20's came in to check up on me, but smiled a mile wide. 

"Oh, Miss. Madden, you are awake!" She enthused. 

"Looks like it." I shrugged carelessly. "Why exactly am I in here?" I asked politely. 

"Oh, because your father wanted you in the luxury part of the hospital." She smiled. Seriously? One, why would he care about it? I'm not even famous! I swear, his money and fasion designing really gets to his big head. And two, does she not understand when a patient usually says "why am I in here?" that it means they don't understand why they're in the hospital? She must be new here.

"No, I meant in the hospital in general." I said.

"Oh, well this brown haired boy brought you in here saying you were mobbed." She said.

"That's it?" I asked. I'm in a hospital because Sam's fans mobbed me?

"Well, after the mob started growing you blacked out. But sadly seeing you were outside, your head hit the ground pretty hard and you've been in coma for about..." She said looking at her paper "almost three days. It caused a slight concussion but it's not to worry about too much." She smiled. Well damn.

"So when do you think I can be out of the hospital?" I asked sitting up a bit more, well attmepting, because just as I did I was pulled back down from a tug on my IV's. Ugh.

"I'll just need to take a look at a few things, the doctor may need to ask you a few questions, and then you're good to go!" She smiled. I nodded softly in gratitude and reached over to grab my phone but she soon interjected.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry but you can't use it." She said with a look of sympathy. "It'll mess with the monitors." I nodded before just sitting and watching the TV. 

"Would you maybe like me to bring your visitors in?" She asked. 

"How many are there?" I asked. She held up her pointer finger and then turned around to look at whoever was there. She then came back in after maybe a minute.

Cali Bound//Our2ndLifeWhere stories live. Discover now