♡Chapter 26♡

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"You know how steep this dune is? I don't think we could climb back up Ricky!" I laughed. 

"Oh come on Morgan, YOLO!" He enthused grabbing my hand trying to pull me toward the dune. I felt sparks shoot up my arm as he did and I'm pretty sure Ricky felt it too. I smiled at the thought. 

"Now I'm really not going down.." I laughed. He turned around and made a pouty face.

"Why?" He pouted in disappointment making me laugh. 

"You just said YOLO." I said. 

"So did you." He smirked before dragging me down the steep hill. It was beyond steep. Maybe a good 425 ft. tall dune. Oddly enough though, I felt safe. Ricky made me feel safe, like I wouldn't die if something went wrong. I got that feeling, the feeling where no matter what I couldn't get hurt because Ricky was there. I was almost bulletproof. 

We ran down the hill quickly and then finally got down to the bottom after a solid 20 minutes. On the way Ricky and I just laughed about nothing in particular and really got to know each other. I found out some things about him I never would've known. It was nice, really nice. 

I mean Ricky and I have spent the last few days getting closer to each other than we were before, so I already knew a lot. I could truthfully say that Ricky WAS my best friend. But I don't know, I don't think that's all I want him to be. I think I want more from him. 

The bottom of the dune was the ocean and you couldn't see the ocean at the top either. The waves crashed against the shore gently and it made me smile how beautiful it was. I walked into the water slightly so it only met the top of my ankles. I kicked the water slightly enjoying the beautiful scenery. The sun was starting to make it's way to sunset but it wasn't there just yet. 

Soon I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and I instantly knew it was Ricky. I smiled to myself and brought my hands up to his and gripped onto him tighter telling him that I liked it. He then turned me around quickly and brought us inches apart from each other. I never saw how gorgeous Ricky's eyes actually were. They were beautiful. 

"Morgan, I don't know if this is too soon for you seeing we just started getting closer and you and Connor have only been apart for a month, but I like you. A lot. You're absolutely beautiful, and I've thought that since the day of Vidcon when we met you. But I couldn't go after you because of Connor. I've kept it bottled up for so long, and now I can finally tell you." he expressed. "But what I'm saying is, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked nervously. I nodded with the biggest smile ever before his lips finally met mine. The sparks flew like the fourth of July, it was so cliche to say, but it was true. 

We kissed in a perfect sync and it was just us two. It felt like the world stopped around us and it was amazing. Nothing like ever before. It made my heart race a million miles per minute. It couldn't get any better than this. I can guarantee you that. 

"Thank you." He smiled.

"For what?" I chuckled happily.

"For giving me a chance." He said. "I know girls have problems trusting after they go through what you did, but I can promise you that that'll never happen with me. Never." 

"I know, that's why I said yes." I smiled giving him another small peck. 

Cali Bound//Our2ndLifeWhere stories live. Discover now