What's so awesome about Ninjago?

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Me: *in every pictures* AWWW! I remeber that!! :3

Me: *in every pictures* AWWW! I remeber that!! :3

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I think that I agree on everything... except for the Jaya... This picture holds everything that make Ninjago beutiful, but seriously, why they couldn't put Pixane instead of Jaya? P.I.X.A.L. is the only girl who hadn't done anything bad.

Nya: Flirt with Cole, and being all preppy (or as we would say in Mexico PINCHE FRESA!!! D:<).

Misako: She's married with Sensei Garmadon... WHY CUDDLE WITH WU??!!!!

Camille: Tricking Lloyd

Mystake: (tea shop owner she gave her travelers tea) Mean with Sensei Wu.

Sally (the student girl): she didn't help Zane when Brad controlled Zane, she just stared.

Toxita (or Tox): Played against Lloyd in the ThunderBlade, poisoned Kai.

Seliel (girl of a comic): She attacked Cole :(

Edna: not exactly bad, but she embarrassed my baby with old stories

Selma: .....Actually............................. she is nice too :D

Wow... now this became about the girls XD No but as I said, I can agree with the rest except for the Jaya :3 There are cute relationships, but in my opinion Jaya isn't one of them :T

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