Jay no, Jay pls

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I've been loosing time on internet, and through random chance, I found this:

Shocking right? I thought who could've done this, I thought about of every person/character/whatever who can control lightning

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Shocking right? I thought who could've done this, I thought about of every person/character/whatever who can control lightning. Zeus, Thor, Zuko, Pikachu (or any other electric type pokemon), Ness & Lucas, Thalia... but the obvious answer struck me.

This dork:

Nah, Lol I knew it was him

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Nah, Lol I knew it was him. :3 Ohm my god. Jay stahp. Pls.

Watt are you doing to the sky, baby? Conduct yourself, Jesus Christ.

How currently this happens?

This is when you realize that I found the pic and got the perfect excuse to fill a part of my blog with lightning/electricity puns as a tribute to Jay :3

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