Latino Dub Fails

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Okay, last chapter/part/post/shitpost/whatever I had a rant about the Ninjago Japanese dub. I asked for your opinions, but no one said anything. BUT I WILL DO IT ANYWAY BECAUSE YOLO!

Well, now I'll make, as I said I would *drum roll* THE LATINO DUB FAILS (of Ninjago) ...I don't even know why I made that introduction, you can guess what this will be about because of the title.

If my investigation was correct the Ninjago latino dub is made in Mexico, and usually they are good for dub (recognized all over the world)... BUT I found a few fails that I think I should mention. I'm doing this fully with stuff I remember right now, so maybe it's not all of them...

Sensei Wu:

Sensei Wu was Sensei GU (gugu tata I can't spell Sensei's name -_-), I mean, really nigga? It's not that hard to pronounce, is it?... W.U. Wu. Nope, it's easy...

The Destiny Bounty:

This poor ship has suffered a lot.

First it was "El Navio del Destiny" which means "Destiny's Ship/Vessel" which makes sense, but it's not the real name.

Around season 2 they corrected it to "El Botín del Destino" which would be the correct one, since it means "Destiny's Booty" (not like ass dammit -_- I aready see people making joke about it), but as as reward, which is a synonym of Bounty.

BUT, around season... 4 I think... they didn't even bothered to translate it. The keep it the same "The Destiny's Bounty".

I don't mind when the dub doesn't change the names, usually I like it that way better, but PLEASE DECIDED FOR ONE ALREADY! AND PRONOUNCE CORRECTLY PLEASE!

The "Kai in the Shower" Scene:

Okay this one was a rather amusing mistake. I always thought that scene funny itself. Specially because Jay goes and record that shit like an Hijo de puta XD I love my babe so much. But I think that it was funnier to see Kai, IN THAT SCENE... with Zane's voice.

Yes. They made the awfully hilarious mistake to give those lines to Zane's voice actor. And ME, who is already used to hearing Zane with that voice as well as the original one. Pretty much laughed my ass off with this stuff.

PLEASE! If someone here has drawing skills, PLEASE REDRAW THAT SCENE but with Zane and message the link to me if you do! PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU!

And... the "stand back pedestrian" thing doesn't make any sense in spanish since they translate it as "transeunte", which just means, literally "someone who passes by"... so it wasn't funny ._.


The translation wasn't even Skylar (if you ever checked the Lego webpage it says SkylOr so mystery solved). It was SkylEr! Daum....

The Corridor of the Elders:

Okay this was... just... no. The correct translation would be "El Corredor de los Ancianos". Buuut, they named it "El Corredor de los Consejales" or "The Corridor of the Councillors" -_-

I-I won't even make comments for this one, it's too painful.

Special mention of the Tournament season:

* When Kai cheats making Karloff lose, remember that Garmadon said "that's NOT how you win" well, in the latina version "asi es como se gana" pretty much slaughtering the NOT of the original statement, which let people understand that Garmadon was inciting him to cheat.

* When Kai tells Skylor about his plan, he says "...I'm far too fetching to resist" but what he said was "...ya sabes que soy guapo" (you already know that I'm handsome). WTF?! Being handsome had NOTHING to do with making an alliance with Skylor. Yeah both like each other but THAT MADE NO SENSE he could've said:

"I'm far too: cautivador (captiving)/encantador (charming)/fascinante (fascinating)/ atractivo (attractive)... para resistirte (to resist)".

But just saying that he is handsome, he didn't gave the complete idea. 

Ronin & Morro:

Oooooh shit. Morro and/or Ronin fangirls get ready! Becuse the names were changed and slaughter here XD (okay, I'm being overdramatic, I admit it). Morro became "Moro" and Ronin turned into... "Ronan".... The first time I was like... "Are you fucking kidding me?".

Okay, since the translation is made on Mexico I understand that they changed MORRO's name, because, in Mexico Morro is a sort of vulgar way to say dude. Yeah, like GUEY... But CHANGING RONIN'S NAME WAS REALLY NECESARRY?! I mean, why? WHY?!

The Preeminent:

The spanish name was "La Suprema" (the Ultimate/Supreme). But there's no excuse like "there's not an actual transalation", because there is which is "Preeminente" SO I DON'T WANT TO HEAR EXCUSES NINJAGO! I DON'T!

Zane's Pirate Voice:

(This isn't technically an error but) Zane's Pirate voice wasn't even close to being pirate. He had Pythor's voice, but the voice he had in Rebooted when they were trying to keep the secret that the mysterious man was him (curiously it was something I DID saw it coming). But it was not fun to see/hear *pouts*

Sensei Yang's Phrase:

Remember Sensei Yang's phrase "as iron sharpens iron, Sensei sharpens student"? Well the translation was "como el acero afila el acero, un Sensei afila al alumno". On first sight, there is no error there, right? Don't worry, I didn't actually noticed the first time. But... Well, after an exhaustive research... and by exhaustive research, I mean I didn't investigated anything and I just casually noticed because I'm THAT smart... XD

Ok no...


Iron is "hierro", and "acero" is steel.

BOOM! TAKE THAT NINJAGO! I think I've said this a lot, but:


I really didn't watched much of the season possession because of all the mistakes. And, it REALLY bothers me when they don't decide whether to TRANSLATE VERYTHING oooor RESPECT ALL THE ORIGINAL NAMES Piracy hasn't been translated yet, but I hope that they don't make this mistakes I've seen all over, especially on the last season. Probably there are more, but I don't remember any other right now.

See ya my RusherNinjas,

~Paty OUT!

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