Sequel or not?

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|| UPDATE: 11/8/16- This book has reached 8k and I honestly want to thank you guys for that. But the sequel I wrote doesnt feel like a sequel. So it isn't. I won't be mad if you stop reading my work. Honestly I never thought this would go over 100 reads. Ill still have this part up because I got to get that promo. I want to write more but I feel like this book should end the way it has ended. No sequel and no extension. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing present and future. The book is "WH*RE". And this little part from,what I remember isnt in the book. It was a rough draft to give you guys a main idea. Maybe Im wrong..Im sorta getting old.||

We just sat there. No words. No sounds. Just behind the school starring at each other. I can't remember if it was cold or hot. His eyes seemed to take my breath away. I didn't love him, I knew that much. But he was just there in my head sitting there teasing me like he was now.
"What are we?" I spoke out finally. His face held a smirk as he thought about the question.
"What do you want to be?" I laughed at his questions. I hated being put on the spot, but then again I was just doing the same.
"Not in a relationship." He nodded his head. He was in agreement.
"Not just friends." I nodded my head, I was also in agreement.
"What about friends with benefits?" He shook his head; he didn't agree "No?" He nodded his head.
"Fuck buddies." He spoke softly. He knew of my anger but I was only sarcastic. I never mean my words.
"Fuck buddies" I repeated. I watched his features start to grow worried and his grip on my waist loosened. I smiled and his grip went back to an abnormal pressure. "We can do that."

From there we did what we always did. Back to the old routine.

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