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//// Ok so before anything I would like to apologize for the very late update. But if you haven't seen I wrote a short story for my class project (you may read it if you like) and that took most of my time. This was supposed to be posted a day maybe two after the last chapter but then the assignment was given to me and I was just like FML :P. But sorry for the rambling and please keep on reading :)///
She hasnt waken up yet. She hasnt opened her eyes in days. Her body hasnt been as warm as it use to be. Her skin is too pale to even look at. I havent taken a shower in a couple of days. Why cant she just wakeup. I need her. I need to see her eyes. I want to see her smile. I want to see a little bit more life in her then this limp body that is barely alive. I want her to wrap her arms around me.
Mike didnt want to leave her there alone in the hospital room. He didnt want to have to deal with the fact that she was almost dead. He hadnt left her room in days. He just sat in the chair next to her bed too afraid to touch her, afraid something would go wrong. His mother and family would come in to try and take him out of the room, but he wouldnt move from that chair. He only left when he had to use the bathroom or get something from the vending machine. All he ever did was stare at her. Hopeing to anything that she would one day come back to him.
//// 4 months later MIKE POV/////
She still hasnt waken up. Jake my 'BFF' is in prison. I havent moved on from her. They say I should. But how could I.... she is the one person I love. The only one I want by my side. She is my other half and I hope that I am hers. I should of walked away with her that day. But I just stayed behind and talked to the girl that she slapped. I regret even bringing her to school. I should have made her stay in her house. We could of cuddled in her bed all day. I would of loved that. Its been so long since ive touched her lips. Its been way to long....
I got up from the chair and went to the cafeteria. I was really hungry I havent eaten since yesterday morning and its noon right now. I entered the cafeteria and grabbed a sandwhich, and a can of soda. I paid and sat down and ate. I couldnt handle being in their too long. I just couldnt. A couple minutes later a girl with long curly blonde hair and green eyes sat down infront of me. If I hadnt known Kathy exsisted I would of found this girl hot. But nothing can comapre to Kathys beauty. That reminds me she has some color in her skin that makes her seem more alive. But the doctors cant really tell when she'll wakes up.

" hey." A hand was being waved infront of face. I looked to the owner remembering that the blonde was still there.
"I asked if you would like to go on a date with me." I looked at her as if she was crazy then answered.
"Why not?"
"Im with someone."
"But your here all alone with no one next to you. If I was your girlfriend I would never leave your side." She probably didnt know this and never would but I was gonna tell her. Pepole shouldn't just assume things.
"For your information my girlfriend is on the 4th floor in a Coma. She didnt leave my side I left hers. And really your trying to pick someone up at a hospital a place where people die almsot everday, how romantic." After I was finished I left. I didnt care for her reaction. I went up to Kathys room and feel asleep beside her for the first time.
////KATHYS POV////
I felt this warmth around me.I couldnt understand what it was. But it was so comfortable I wanted to wrap my arms around it and bring it closer. But my arms wouldnt move. I tried but I didnt have the strength. I wanted to open my eyes. I wanted to see what finally woke me up. Ive been floating in this darkness for far to long I need to get out. I tired and I tried. But soon enough in some kind of miracle my eyes finally cracked open. It was blurry so I blinked a couple of times. It got clearer so I looked at what the source of the warmth was. It was Mike. He lay there sleeping with his arms carefully wrapped around my waist. I tried to move but ended up yelping in pain because a pain was coming from my stomach. I saw Mikes eyes open slowly then they went wide.
We held eye contact for a while until his eyes started to water. I wanted to move my arms but it hurt to much.
"Are you actually awake? This isn't a dream right? I just want you to wake up!" He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly but quickly let go when he saw the discomfort I was in. "Your awake! Your actually awake!" He was about to kiss me when he said "It would hurt if I kissed you right now wouldn't it?" He lowered his head and didn't make any eye contact with me. "God Kathy.. I-Im so sorry." Tears began to spill from his eyes. I wiped them away with my thumbs and did my best to smile.
"Don't be. It's no ones fault but Jacks. But get the doctor Ok?" He nodded his head and exited the room to go find a doctor.

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