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Their here. The people I'm suppose to call my parents. I think they were in Canada this time. They got here so quick and woke me up at around 2:00 AM. I would rather die then be near them. They never treated me like a daughter. I was there property or more of a thing they have to take care of. They woke me up to lecture me about how much this is going to be, and how I should be more careful next time. They even said I was a mistake. The thing is my parents are pretty loaded. But they hate spending money on anyone but themselves. I hate them and they hate me. Most families love each other but our relationship is a different four letter word. 

"Kathy...KATHY!!!" I looked up to see my mothers angry figure. She was never beautiful. She had curly hair but the curls never fully curled but it wasn't wavy. Her hair was this ugly light brown. She always wore makeup and she looked like she had just thrown a colorful cake at her face. She was so skinny she was like a skeleton. I never got why she thought she was beautiful. My father was very much different from her. He hadpale blond hair and weird brown colored eyes. He was a little over weight. His hair was almost kinda like a Mohawk except shorter and it curled at the top. To most people maybe they were descent but because of what I've seen they're ugly.


"Your being discharged today. Gather your things and well take you home. Your lucky me and your father are taking a break." She was emotionless with her caked makeup. She never smiled. To tell you the truth my father was nice to me but he followed my mother so when she was around he was mean. He smiled but not very much.

I got up and off the bed. I walked over to a chair that had a bag on it. I took out a pair of jeans a white shirt and got dressed and left the room. My parents signed me out so I left the hospital and went to the expensive looking car. It was different every time they came to take a break. But you knew it was their car when it looked like they bought it off the car lot. I heard the door click open and got in the car. They got in and drove me home. 

I got out of the car and they drove away. They lived in a bigger house. But told me to live in this place. It wasn't bad. It was perfect. It had two bedrooms and 2 baths. A kitchen, laundry room and living room. It was just enough to live in. 

I opened the door went to the living room and turned on the radio. If you cant hang by sleeping with sirens came on.

"Met a girl at seventeen thought she meant the world to me, so I gave her everything, she turned out to be a cheat said she'd been thinking for a long time and she found somebody new I've been thinking that this whole time well I never thought you'd stay...." I turned up the volume so that it would echo through this empty house. I went upstairs and took a shower. I started singing to what was on. I felt clean and enough and went to my room. I got dressed in some PJ's and went under the covers. I fell asleep.


I walked into the hospital and went up to Kathy's room. I walked into her room to find it empty. No. Was all I could think. Time seemed to go slower. I could hear my heart racing in my chest. I didn't know what to think. She had another week until she was discharged. I got to the desk.

"Uh-uh I-um t-the girl in room t-three forty five....Is she d-d...dead?" The lady looked up then typed in what I'm guessing is the room number.

"Oh no shes not shes just been discharged. Today actually."

"How she had a weak until discharge?." The lady went wide eyed. She started typing really fast. Soon her facial features softened.

"Her parents took her out. They're taking her to a different hospital closer to where they live?"

"Where do they live?"

"Sorry sir but I cant give that information out." I couldn't argue with her. I dug my nails into the palm of my hands and walked out. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts. I landed on Kathy's number and clicked the call button. I put the phone on my ear. It rang a couple of times until she answered. 



"Yes who is this?"


"Oh Mike. Why are you calling?" I was a little hurt by that but then again why did I call her. 

"Checking to see if your fine."

"Oh well other than the pain I'm good."

"I was also wondering if I could come over to your house." The line was silent for a while.

"Yeah sure." She gave me her address and I jumped in my car heading over to the address. 

////Sorry if this chapter is a little too short. I just have so much school work. I'm also starting on another book. Its a boyxboy so if you like that kind of stuff then you should look at. If your wondering this is just a filler chapter. Also Kathy's parents aren't going to be in this book very much this might just be the only appearance////

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