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A/N: This story may or may not come out bold on your screen it came out like that on mines so sorry.


"Mommy....mommy wake up." I opened my eyes to see my beautiful son Damion on top of me shaking my head. "What?" I said looking up into his pale blue eyes. He was exactly like his father.
"Its time to get up." He whispered.
"Why are you whispering?" He put his tiny hands on my mouth.
"Shhhh. Its a secret." He removed his hands. "Ok, ok where are we going?"
"The kitchen." He said in a 'duh' tone.
"Oh right cause women are suppose to be in the kitchen." I whispered to him.
"No, daddy is in there." As soon as he said that he covered his mouth with his hands. Fear was written across his adorable face.
"Don't tell daddy I said that."
"Tell daddy what?"
"Exactly mommy, now lets go get Jenjen." We walked to Jenifer's room but he called her jenjen because it was a little hard to pronounce for him. We walked over to a door that was painted violet with a gold antique door knob. I opened the door letting Damion in first. We walked over to a crib and looked in to see Jenifer awake and smiling. She was toothless so she looked a little funny but I picked her up. She was only 4 months old and she was the cutest thing to exist. Damion coming in a close second. "Mommy lets go." Damion tugged on my pajama pants. I picked up Jenifer and left the room. We walked down the stairs to the kitchen. There in the kitchen was Mike working up a storm. From the smell of it he was making a full breakfast. There were Pancakes, bacon, toast, syrup, orange juice, coffee, eggs, muffins, and waffles. I put Jenifer in her seat quietly and told Damion to sit down and put my finger on my lips gesturing him to be quiet.

I walked up behind Mike and wrapped my arms around his waist. I was shorter then him so I had to tiptoe to rest my head on his shoulder. "What'cha doing?" I whispered into his ear.
"Making breakfast." He turned around and kissed my forehead. "It was suppose to be a bed and breakfast but I think Damion forgot."
"Ohh yeah huh daddy I forgot." I began laughing at the pouting 5 year old and walked up to him.
"Its fine honey. I like eating with you guys anyways."I looked around, thinking about what had happened just 9 years ago. I was in a hospital with a weak heart barely living. But now here I am healthy and happy. I have a beautiful husband and 2 wonderful kids. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door. I got up to answer the door. "Sandra? Hi. What are you doing here?"
"What? A Grandma cant see her grandchildren?" I opened the door wider letting her in. Sandra had become the mother I didn't have. She helped me through high school, through the pregnancies. She didn't let me down once. My biological mother would try to help but she was to late. She sends me money every now and then but she isn't ever gonna be in my life. I save that money for Jenifer's and Damion's college.

We sat down and ate breakfast. Then something just hit me...... I am happy now.

////Ok so here is the very short epilogue. I thought it was gonna be longer but I thought that it would be to long and drawn out if it were any longer than this. So bye for now. (oh I have another story up if you want to read it. Its called the 'smokey chances' it wont be updated a whole lot, also a new story will be up shortly, so keep an eye out) So ummm thanks for reading. ////

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