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Beep....beep...beep. Was all I could hear. The rest was just black. I felt as though I was floating in space. I was at peace. I was cold and numb. That constant beep was starting to get on my nerves but it was also comforting. I didnt know where I was it was so dark and cold but I didnt feel alone. I felt something warm touch my hand then the pain started. I wanted to cry and scream but nothing would come out. The beeping started to go faster then the warm feeling on my hand went away. I started hearing shouts but I couldnt understand what the shouts were saying. A pain in my stomach started it felt as though I was burning it hurt so much. But finally I was able to scream. I screamed out releasing the pain. Then it went back to dark, cold, and numb.


"Mike are you ok?" My mom was here at the hospital with me. Kathys wounds were so deep and terrible. They said she tripped and fell onto a pole that was sticking up from the ground. It snapped so she fell to the ground onto some rocks but because no one had been in there for so long some of the building fell ontop of her. She had glass shards in her arms and on her chest. The wound was so deep that it went straight through her. It didnt hit any of her major organs. But they say that she was still bleeding. The glass shards are still in her because they didnt want to over work her body.

The pole was the first thing to go. I was so shocked that she could go through so much pain. I didn't answer my mom. I was staring at the empty space in her hospital room. Shes in surgery. Her wounds reopened. It was faulty stiching. Now she has a new surgeon. I didnt get their name but they say that he's the best.

A doctor walked in

"Are you family of Kathy Kinchester?" My mom stood up.

"No her parents havent shown up but Ill be glad to sign anything that could. help her. Shes like a daughter to me."

"Im sorry Mam but she needs a guardian to sign these paper. If they dont then she wont be able to go on the meds to help her heal from all the wounds." My mom instanlty got pale. Shes never had to deal with stuff like that. She looked like she was on the verge of tears.

I walked up to the doctor. "Cant you get her parents phone number or something. I mean the school has that kind of stuff. Right?"

"Yes they do but the phone number is fake and no on is at her house."

"oh." Was all my mother could say.

"But she is awake and in a different room closer to the O.R. We've put her on meds that are allowed without parent consent. And can you talk to her about her parents find out where they are?"

"Yeah ok." My mom looked defeated. Even though she hadnt known her for that long Kathy was like a daughter to her.

We got up and went to Kathys new room. Her whole abdomen and arms were bandaged. She was hooked up to a couple of machines and her left hand was wrapped around the pain killer button.

"Mike, Im gonna go get some food i'll be back look after Kathy. Kay?"

"Yeah." She walked out the room and I sat myself in a chair next to her bed.


"Hi." She sounded so weak and lifeless.

"So how do you feel?"

"Like a car hit me multiple times. You?"

"Fine." It was silent for a while. I broke the silence.

"Kathy where are your parents?"

"Uh....t-th-they're on vacation." I could tell she was lying. She stuttered and her nose twitches a bit when she lies.

"Kathy tell me the truth. We need to find your parents."

She looked away. She looked lost. It was silent for a while until she broke the silence.

"My parents work really hard. They're never home. They work for this big business company. They go around the world. They left me at home to fend for myself with only a $50 budget per month. If you want to call them you have to call their work place. There number is (123)xxx-xxxx." After that I walked out of the room.

//// I know nothing about the medical world so if any of the medical stuff is false then that's ok because it's made up ;)////

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