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////I would like to give bookgoddess0019 credit in this chapter they gave me the idea for the main event in this chapter.////


Mike was driving the best he could in the rain. Looking for the one girl he cared so deeply about. He felt as though he had been driving for an eternity. He wanted to give up but knew he couldn't.A couple minutes later he was About to give up but he saw a figure similar to hers sitting on a bus stop bench. He stopped in front of the bus stop grabbed one jacket for her and got out of the car. The one thing they didn't know was that a bystander was watching everything happen.


I stopped and sat down at a bus stop to get out of the rain. The moment I sat down I started crying. I didn't understand why he would do that? He wanted to kiss me. Was I just gonna be his secret? I never want to be that. But the thing heart wants to be his secret as long as i'm by his side my heart wouldn't hurt so much.

I looked up to see a car approaching. It looked like Mikes moms SUV. It stopped in front of me. I was about to get up when I saw him get out with a jacket. I started crying even harder. He walked over to me and put the jacket over me. I shook the jacket off.

"Kathy put the jacket back on and get in the car please." I shook my head no as the shivers went down my spine. Why did he always say my name like that?

"Your gonna get sick."

"Why the hell would you care if I get sick or not?!?! Im just your damn study buddy!!!" I finally looked over at him. He had a frown on his face and it looked as though he had been crying but that could of been the rain. He didn't answer just looked at me with a pleading look.

I was done with him toying around with me and my emotions. "Why the fuck would Mike Lanulie care for a girl as simple as me?" The moment I finished I felt his lips on mine. I tried pushing him away but failed. I gave up on fighting and gave in. You know that spark movies and books talk about...well it isn't like that. It like a volcano erupting. Everything he said, and all the pain he caused melted away in one kiss. I felt as though we were in space floating away. I saw a flash of light but thought of it as lightning.

I was running out of breathe and I knew that we would have to stop. I pulled away gasping for air and so did he. But he spoke again.

"The reason I care for you is because your care for others. You put everyone first before yourself and now I'm putting you before me. I love you so damn much and for far too long. I love how your eyes sparkle when just the right amount of light is hitting you and the way for feet are always at a weird angle when your standing. I love that your so carefree about what others do and just let it happen. Kathy the first time I tried to speak to you I didn't want it to be like that I was just afraid of rejection. I love you so much and you don't even know how much it hurts me to see you everyday without me by your side."

////FLASHBACK (the first time they spoke)////

I was walking to my locker when I saw someone leaning against it.

"Excuse me your on my locker." They just stared at me like they were in another universe. "I'm sorry to interrupt your thoughts but this is my locker.Mine. So get your ugly ass face away from it." I know how cruel those words are but I really needed my books.

"Me ugly. Ha. Your the ugly one here. All the fucken monkeys at the Zoo can't compare to how ugly your face is. And me in your way it looks like every time you walk down the hall your in everybody's way." It wasn't a very planned out insult but it hurt. So I was fat and ugly. I know those words shouldn't mean much. I'm pretty fit and my looks are average. But to hear them made me want to crawl into a dark corner. Instead I ran away crying.

////Flashback over////

I was back at Mikes place. His mom had told me to remove my wet clothes and take a shower. I had just finished getting dressed in Sandra's clothes she had lent me. I was about to sneak out and call my mom when I heard Sandra.

"Kathy you better get your butt back over here. And don't worry I told your mom your sleeping over tonight to study." Dammit why did it have to be a Friday."you can meet the family there coming in about an hour." Fuck.My.Life

//// Im sorry it's short. I just though this would be a good end place.But have no fear Im gonna try and post something today.////

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