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The doctor walked into the room with a grim look on his face. He sat down on the chair and looked me straight in the eye.
"Kathy, I wanted a family member to tell you this but you've been in a coma for a couple of months," he kept his face monotone "and we expected for it to be longer, your body isn't completely healed, so for now rest. You wont be able to see anyone because of how weak your heart is. We don't want you to get a heart attack. Do you have any questions?"
"When will I be able to see people?"
"I don't know, your heart is kinda unpredictable. There was a time when it had completely given up then it just went back to normal. But just give it some time." I nodded my head and watched as my doctors figure retreated out the door. I was left alone. 

////2 weeks later////

"Kathy you need to take your meds." A frail old nurse walked into my room.
"Thanks Jill." I sat up so I could take the meds to make my heart stronger.
"Your welcome." She sat down on my bed, preparing me for the gossip of the hospital. Jill had grey hair that was tied up in a bun. She wore scrubs with cats on them and had old wire glasses that sat at the tip of her nose. She was the on that kept me sane. "OK, before the gossip starts, the doctors are starting to think that you're gonna be ready to see your boyfriend. Your heart has been getting stronger. But don't get so excited." I swallowed my first couple of pills.
"Yeah I know, I just keep my hopes up that maybe one day i'll see him. Its been 2 weeks Jill."
"I know sweetie, but he's always next to your door. Some of the doctors are getting irritated with the smell, so I let him take showers in the locker rooms." I was about to laugh but settled for a chuckle thinking it would mess with my heart.
"So Jill, hows your husband?"
"He's getting older but he's still the most romantic man ever, he took me to the ocean just to talk, nothing else. It seems boring but those little moments were amazing. You'll understand when your older." I nodded my head, hopeing that one day I could have what she has. "But for the gossip, I think that intern is sleeping with one of the doctors, they're alwa-"
"Jill we need you right now." A nurse looking similar to Jill said through the door, knowing that I cant really leave.
"Alright honey our times up, Ill see you tomorrow. Get some rest." I nodded my head and closed my eyes. When I heard the door close I fell asleep.
////ONE WEEK LATER (I know its a lot of time lapses) ////

My doctor walked into the room with a smile on his face. "Kathy guess what?"
"You can see your boyfriend."
"REALLY?!?" I felt like such a girl, squealing like that but I get to see him. Its been 3 weeks and I finally get to see him.
"Calm down a little ok? Your hearts strong enough to see people but it can go back to being weak." I nodded my head and sat up straight waiting for him.

It felt like an eternity for him to walk in but when he did it was in slow motion. His Blonde hair grew out a little bit but it was longer in the front and shorter around the sides. His eyes were the same beautiful pale blue. He was the same as he was 3 weeks ago. He wrapped his arms around me. He held me tight as though if he let go I would completely disappear from existence. I wrapped my arms around him. I didn't want to let go. But he pulled away wiping some tears from my face that I didn't even know were there.
"Ill never leave you again."
"Ill never not trust you again."
"I love you Kathy."
"I love you Mike."
I patted the spot next me for him to lay down on. When he did we just cuddled for hours. Talking about things that affected us for the three weeks.We talked as though we had known each other for all of our lived. As though everything that had happened to us didn't happen. We were starting a new chapter.

////YAY!!! I posted. yes its short but sadly this is the end. Well not the end, I'm thinking of writing a epilogue. Were gonna see how that goes though so maybe not. But I wanna say thank you to those who have read up until this point. I wanna thank you for the 110 views that I have right know. I thought that this book would never even get a view. But it did and that one view (by the way was from a user called WeirdpandaLuv) grew up to more then a hundred. So thanks for everything.

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