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Dinner at Mikes house was fun. He has 3 brothers and 2 sisters. His nephew was the one who kicked me. About 2 of his siblings actually live with him Rick who is 14 and Cindy who is Ricks twin. They named her Cindy because before her birth Sandra was watching Cinderella. His oldest brother Jake who's 25 is married to a nice lady named Carole she's the same age, he is also the father of Lucas. He isn't like his mother he likes kicking me and he's 4. Then theres Sidney she's a bit weird. She goes to college but likes to study many things. She's like a book full of fun or really weird facts. I thinks shes 18.Then theres Ralph he's a bartender and lives on the top Half of a bar.He is 22. I also learned that Mr.Lanulies name is Joseph, and only likes to be called Joseph never dad or Mr.Lanulie.

"Kathy do you want to go to bed?" Mike asked he then yawned. I nodded my head and yawned after him.

"So where do I sleep?"

"With me." He said in a 'duh' tone.

"Mike where not dating." After that I remembered something very important. I have a boyfriend named Mitch. I kissed Mike while I have a boyfriend. No no no no. I don't cheat. But I didn't feel bad. I had forgotten I had a boyfriend so he didn't mean that much. But cheating is wrong



"I cheated on Mitch." I looked over to him and saw his face go pale to a blushing red.

"Oh about that...." he looked at me with innocent eyes "he broke up with you." Woah. didn't see that coming.

"How? He never said anything to me about a breakup." I mean he could just be lying. Right?

"Yeah well...check your phone." I reached for my phone in my pocket. It''s not there.

"Mike where's my phone?"

"Remember when you dropped your phone on the bed." I blushed at the memory. But nodded. "Well after I took a shower it made that noise to show you have a new message..." I nodded my head signaling for him to go on "It was from Mitch it said something about you being a sl-" he looked over at me "I mean it just said he broke up with you." I looked at him knowing he wouldn't tell me the whole truth.

"Where's my phone?"

"Not in my pocket."I jumped over to him and straddled him onto his bed. wow... we do this a lot...

"Give me the phone."


"Give me the phone."

"Not gonna happen"

"Fine I guess your gonna die of laughter." He gave me a confused look. But I didn't give him time to register my words. I started tickling his sides knowing that his ribs where a ticklish spot from what Sandra has told me. He started laughing telling me to stop. But I didn't I kept on going.

"Ill stop if you give me the phone."

"NEVER!!!" I then went for his neck another tip from Sandra. He saw what I was doing and his eyes widened.

"Fine fine but don't be all mad." He went into his pockets and pulled out my phone. I opened and went to the text message I had from Mitch.

MITCH: You're a fucking dirty slut. You're always with that guy Mike. I bet he's already made it into your pants. I still don't know why I dated a lowlife like you. I should of listened to the rumors.

Rumors what rumors.....

I was about to text him back when Mike grabbed my phone.

"Give me my phone!"



"Because I know that your gonna text him back either begging him to get back with you or your gonna send him a lot of hate. So no this is for you health." I couldnt argue with that. But what about the rumors. Ill probably find out about it sooner or later. I looked over at Mike's bed and crawled in.

"Well come on get in." Mike looked at his bed then at me then back but this time with a smirk.

"I finally got you in my bed."

"Shut up. I've been on this bed a million times."

He turned the lights off then crawled into bed. I turned on my side and closed my eyes. I felt arms wrap around my waist. I was about to push away when he spoke.

"Ill never let you go. Know that ok. Goodnight Kathy." My name sent shiver down my spine. I didn't know what to say. We aren't dating. We're study buddies. Right? The things that happened don't mean anything. We're just study buddies. That last thought had me drifting off to sleep.

////sorry I know this isn't the best chapter it's just a filler. Oh and a big event is gonna happen.So wait... there's more. ;D////

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