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//// I would like to apologies for the very late update. I should have no excuse but I had a ton of homework which caused a bit of writers block. I am very sorry but I wanted to keep this short so continue on. But again I am very very sorry and will try to get back onto the update schedule/////

////MIKES POV////

I felt something warm cuddle against my side. I wrapped my arms around the warm object and held it closer to me. I didn't want to let go. It started to wiggle around and I opened my eyes to see a beautiful and struggling Kathy. I grabbed her by the waist and moved her so that she was straddling me. I looked into her eyes and said "Good morning."
"Morning now let me go I have to get ready for school." she crossed her arms and tried getting out of my grasp but I held on to her tighter.
"Nope." I said popping the 'p'. She leaned down closer to me and hovered her lips just above mine.
"If I give you a kiss will you let me go." I thought about it....
"You have morning breathe." She sat back up and crossed her arms and made a 'hmph' sound.
"No I don't."
"Uh yeah you do everyone has morning breathe."
"Well I don't so let me go."
"Nope." I closed my eyes and held her in place trying to go back to sleep. But then I felt a pair of lips on mine. It wasn't one of those hard and needy kisses. It was one of full of passion and love. I opened my eyes to see Kathy's closed ones. I closed my eyes and added a little more pressure and started to move mine in sync with hers.  I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me, I bit her lip asking for entrance which she gladly accepted. Our tongues fought with each other but she wasn't fighting for dominance because I clearly won that one. I explored every single inch of her mouth but then I was interrupted by a flash. I pulled away from Kathy and opened my eyes to see my mother smiling like a crazy person with a camera in her hands.
"MOM!!! REALLY!?!?" After those words came out of my mouth Kathy kissed me on the cheek and ran out the door with a goodbye to my mother. I looked at my mom as if she was the devil himself and threw a pillow at her.
"Ow!!What as that for mi-mi?" She pouted. But I saw the evil glare in her eyes.
"I wasn't planning on going to school today."
"Why not?"
"Well after everything that happened from the picture to the accident, I just don't want Kathy to have to deal with that." My mom came and sat down on my bed.
"Mike... Kathy is a very strong girl, but at times she will become weak and struggle with a lot of things. But she has you right now. Your the one that's gonna have to guide her and take care of her. But do not control what she does she has all the freedom that the world will give her. Alright? Now get dressed and pick her up at school so you can take on the world together." I gave my mom a hug and a quick thank you before heading to the shower.
Ten minutes late I got out and decided to wear jeans, a white t-shirt and a hoodie. I grabbed my keys and left the house getting into my car.

I got to Kathy's house and honked my horn. Kathy looked out her window and saw that I was in the drive way. She opened her window and told me she would be out soon then closed it.

I walked out my front door and locked it. I walked over to Mikes car and got in. He started the car and drove off.
"Hey." It was silent until he broke the silence "Are you sure your ready to go back to school?" I thought about it. I know I almost died but I don't think the whole school slut thing has completely blown over. But I'm not a slut, and I shouldn't care about what others think. I'm me and they don't know me. I nodded my head.

A couple minutes later we parked in the school student  parking lot and we walked into the school. My heart was beginning to race a bit but I kept it at ease and kept on walking. When we got to the center all eyes were on us. I felt a hand wrap around mine and held it tighter. We walked hand in hand. I began to feel my knees get weak from the attention but I kept my composure. When we got to the middle of the center a girl came running out with tears in her eyes.
"Why Mike? Why would you chose the slut over me?" After she said that a echo filled the silence. I had slapped her and it wasn't soft. She was on the ground crying even more. I crouched down so I was about her level and said.
"Because I love him and he loves me. Well I think that's how it goes.....and I'm sorry about slapping you but I'm not a slut." I stood up and walked away. I didn't know if Michael was behind me but soon enough I felt an arm wrap around my waist and cuddled into the waist thinking it was Mike. But then I heard a voice I didn't like.
"I guess photo shop isn't something that'll make Mike leave you.....Well I guess it was a stupid plan he was there......but you know something I surely thought that the whole football team would have made him break up with you. But I guess that 'accident' was something I shouldn't of done." Jacks voice filled my ears. I wanted to break away but he had a very tight grasp on me. "But you know that note you got. Well I was thinking that the faster you go the faster Mike will want me.Yeah I'm gay but that doesn't matter does it now. Soon enough he will be mine." I think felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and a hand covered my mouth. I bit his hand and he and I screamed out in pain. I feel to the ground clutching my now bleeding stomach. The stitching broke. But the last thing I remember was the sound of my name being called but I loved the way it sounded off their tongue.

////Yeah I know a cliffhanger.....sorry. But I will update again not today but soon enough. I think this week it depends. BYE!!! Vote, comment, tell a friend, or just message me something.OH! and if you want I kinda want to know what state or country you live in. I kinda wanna know where you guys come from. I know its  creepy sounding but I really want to know where you guys come from and get to know you. Ill put this on my profile but im from Tucson Arizona USA. You dont need to if you dont want to though. :P////

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