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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Damn thing doesn't have a soul and let me sleep in for five more minutes. I groaned and fell out of bed. I guess I woke up on the wrong side of bed. I stood up and walked over to my wardrobe.

I didn't feel like wearing something nice so I grabbed a pair of purple tights, a long black shirt, a grey baggy hoodie, and my black converse.

I went to the bathroom straightened my hair and brushed my teeth. I didn't feel like makeup so I grabbed my backpack and went down the stairs.

I went to the bus stop and waited for the diseased infested metal box or public bus to arrive. It finally did. I checked the time 6:12 AM. The bus once again was late 12 minutes.

I got to school ten minutes later. The atmosphere wasn't its normal over filled self. Instead it was deserted. Not even one of those damn flies was here.

But as soon as I hit the main center of school I heard a lot of people talking the moment I walked through all eyes were on me. I stopped frozen to the spot. Why were they staring at me?

"Because your a slut who sells herself to the popular guys at the school." I think I spoke my thoughts out...

"What I-I would never do that!!!"I screamed out. It echoed across the school buildings. I bet a teacher heard.

"Oh really so this picture right here isn't proof that your just another whore." A photo was shoved in my face. It was when me and Mike kissed. Our hands where touching but it looked like he was giving me money. Photo shop? Then another was shoved in my face it was of me getting into the car.

"Th-that n-never happened." I was at the verge of tears. Who would do this? why? I've never done anything to wrong someone except for Mitch but from that text I don't think he would care so much. Was that the rumor? I was the schools slut.

I looked around to see the eyes of judgement on people. To see disgust engraved in their features. Some where looking down, knowing that I wasn't that kind of girl. I never had many friends just the ones I could depend on and trusted. But after becoming Mikes study buddy I lost touch with them.

I soon realized that I was running. I entered a building and kept running. I think it was the abandoned building. I kept running though. Something caught onto my foot and I fell to the ground.


I got out of my car and walked to the school. No one seemed to be here. I looked down at my watch it was 6:24 AM. Usually people would be buzzing around looking for the latest gossip. I heard a scream."What I-I would never do that!!!" It sounded like Kathy. I quickened my pace. I heard a couple more shouts then footsteps.

I got to the center of the school only to see a group of people. I looked to see people holding photos then jack. He turned around then shouted.

"LOOK IT'S MITCH!!!" Everyone turned to me then ran to gather around me. "Mitch did you really sleep with that slut." It was my ex. I don't remember her name though.

"Slut? What slut? The only slut I've ever sleeped with is you." She looked at me in surprise.

"I'm not a slut.And I'm not a prostitute like that slut Kathy."

I looked around. I saw some of my friend look at me. They looked at me like I had just done something trophy worthy.

"She isn't a prostitute. I don't know why you all listen to rumors like that."

"Yeah but then why the hell did I sleep with her last week. I paid her a fair price for it to. Also that photo there of you giving her money shows what she truly is." I looked to see Jack. He had an evil glare.

"Jack shut the fuck up. We all know that you tormented her. She never even liked going near you." Then there were shouts of "I slept with her" and "the price was really cheap" I know she wouldn't do that it's just not Kathy. She's so pure and beautiful.

I looked around the crowd trying to find her but instead heard her scream.

I ran in the direction ending up in a old abandoned building in the school. It use to be the schools library. I walked in and what I saw was something I couldn't even comprehend. I ran towards the bleeding body of Kathy.

//// Yeah sorry about the whole drama thing. But it's actually something that will make a bit of sense later on in the story. Oh and about the cliffhanger sorry I just thought of it as a good ending......sorry. And I think Im putting a lot of plot twists in here so if your getting confused about anything just ask and Ill try my best to edit this story to make it more clear or summarize it in a message to you////

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