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It had been about a week since me and Mike have been study buddy's. We're not friends exactly but we have fun while studying. Right now we were finished with studying and decided to hangout for the rest of the studying time. I was sitting on his bedroom floor video taping him dance to some rap song we found on the Youtube . He probably thinks I'm playing a game or something. I think Im gonna see.

"So Mike how does it feel to be on Americas got talent" (I hope I got the tv shows name right)

"What do you mean?"

"How does it feel to be recorded on live television where all of social media can see you dancing."

"You wouldn't dare." He started walking toward me. I quickly got up and ran to the bed. He kept walking forward. I was on top of the bed leaning against the wall. He hoped on the bed inching closer and closer to me. He pressed body against mine, and pinned my hands above my head. I dropped my phone. There was no escape

"Now Kathy what were you saying?" He pressed more into my body and an involuntary moan came out. My face was now on fire. He leaned even closer.

"Cat got your tongue." He leaned in closer our lips only centimeters apart. I wanted his lips on mine. I leaned forward out lips were about to meet when he grabbed my hips. He picked me up and laid my back against the bed. His legs on either side of my hips. He leaned in close our lips so close yet they weren't touching.

"Kathy...I-Im gonna kiss you." I still didn't have words. I just nodded my head. He leaned in. Our lips were just centimeters away when there was a scream. We jumped off the bed to see his mother there. A huge smile on her face. I looked over to Mike who was red like a tomato. His mother came over to me and wrapped her arms around my body. I stood still paralyzed. I didn't know if I was suppose to be hugging her.

"Finally Mi-Mi a girl worth your time." I was still frozen what do you say to that.

"It isn't like that mom. She's-she's just my study buddy." My heart broke at those words. His moms arms fell from my body and to her sides. I ran out of the house....

About 5 minutes later I was walking in the rain. I didn't care about the rain. I didn't care about anything but his words. 'She's just my study buddy' I wasn't even his friend. After all the time we've spent together I'm just a burden he was given. Well you know what I'm gonna make his life hell.


The moment she ran out of my room my chest hurt. I sat down on my bed. I didn't know what to do.

"Mi-Mi....why?" She asked in a small voice. She sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

"Why what?"

"Why did you do that? I know you love her and for you to do that to someone you love just isn't right."

"Well maybe if you didn't-" I looked out my small window. There was rain. "Is she walking."

"No Mike she called a cab." I didn't know how to drive but I was going to find her. I grabbed two jackets, my moms car keys and I headed towards her car. I opened the door, put the keys in the ignition, put it into gear and I was out to find Kathy.

//// I know this chapter isn't the greatest but I wanted to get something up. I am surrounded by the deadly thing called homework. I won't be posting much its more likely once or twice a week. But I will try my hardest to get them done and posted.////

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