Chapter 1

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  Taehyung's POV

   I sat on the steps of our tiny apartment, listening to the sounds of yet another brawl. It was always bad when my drunken dad abused my mom, and yes, it hurt me to leave them, but Mother would always shoo me out right before it started. This particular fight was likely to be long, as I could hear plates breaking and glass shattering soon - almost too soon, in fact.

   Exhaling slowly, I decided to take a little walk around the area where I lived, figuring it would be a few hours before the fight was over. The day was drab and gray, perfectly suiting my mood. My friends were unavailable, the rest of my family wasn't nearby, and my parents' relationship was definitely at the end of its rope.

   "Why?" I breathed, hitting a fence at the edge of a bridge with a stick.

   At least when I got home, I felt a little bit better. But why was the apartment so silent? Did Father leave? The kitchenette was empty, and so were the bedrooms.... which left the most dangerous part of the house - the living room. 

   Peering around a corner, I saw him, body tensed up, ready to let his everything out on Mother. This is what he said:


   That was it. The anguish of fourteen years of the resentment between my parents rose up and flew through me, making me literally snap.

   I grabbed a soju bottle lying on a side table, and before I knew it, its pointed end was embedded in Father's abdomen.

   In... out. In... out. It wasn't my breathing, but the vessel advancing and retreating from my father's body, not limp. The entire scene, led by pure emotion, went to blood, the sticky, gooey substance, now spattered on my shirt, face, and hands. 


   Mother screamed, making my come back to my senses. I looked at my mom, who still had the tiniest remnant of love for Father, now stricken. Her heart, I saw, was now completely shattered before my eyes.

   Seeing my now dead dad, my devastated mom, and everything that happened between all of us, I turned... and fled.

   I ran, over the bridge, wide streets, flat plains, and rough terrain. I ran, ran, ran, away from the very center of pure pain that started everything.

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