Chapter 2

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   I took refuge at an abandoned pool, surrounded by the tranquility of the woods. Sitting beneath an overhang overlooking the damp square of concrete with an empty rectangular indentation in the middle, I opened a water bottle that I took when leaving my old home. 

   Washing the blood off myself and my stained shirt, I dialed Jin's number on my cell phone. Without even saying a hello, I immediately started the conversation:

   "Hyung, I need to see you, hyung." Tears slipped out from under my eyes just from the effort of saying the sentence.

   My "older brother", understanding of my request, replied. "I'll be there with the others." Then he hung up.

   Unpacking a small bundle that I had also grabbed from my room when I fled, I took out a set of clothes and - making sure that I had privacy - changed. Next, while waiting for my friends, the rest of the contents of the bundle were sifted through. Matches, more water, small food packets, and a photo of me as a baby (held by my dad) were dumped out of the carefully knotted sheet. This bundle was useless, although I planned to use it if I ran away.

   I took the photo and plopped onto a mattress the rest of my friends and I placed at a corner of the empty pool a few weeks ago. Rolling over onto my side, I gazed at the photo of me with my dad.

   I'll do my best to forget it.

   The picture was then crumpled in my hand and shoved into my jacket pocket, only considered a distant memory. Trying to put my mind on other thing, I laid down spread-eagle on the mattress and stared at the now clear sky. Concentrating on a certain person whose name was Namjoon, I sent my thoughts to him.

   Hyung? Are you there with Jin and the others?

   I'm almost there with everybody except Jin. He wanted to come alone, "for some reason", as he told me on the phone.

   Okay. See you soon, hyung. 

   See ya.

   The connection cut off and I waited. Telepathy with my best friend Namjoon may have seemed unbelievable at first, but ever since I almost died of disease at the age of four, a wall between us had disappeared. We could mentally communicate with each other, and there were literally no limits to what we exchanged. Oddly enough, neither Namjoon or I could "talk" with anyone else. We decided to not tell a single soul, for we knew we would then have a higher chance of being made public. 

   Anyways, footsteps came after a little while, approaching me, accompanied by a chorus of five very familiar voices, talking and joking and laughing like it was just them in the world. All of us (the entire group) - Jungkook, me, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jin - were as close with each other as people were with their own selves. We never completely left each other, always staying as one.

   Back to the present - when I wasn't aware, Namjoon stood over me, a knowing smirk on his face. He shoved me playfully.

   "What are you doing?"

   I took his outstretched hand and hoisted myself up. All of us stood here, just chatting for a time. It felt relieving to let my worries and guilt dissipate. Then Jungkook noticed something and pointed.

   "Oh, it's Jin hyung!"

   The oldest of the group stood at the edge of the empty pool above us and waved. He jumped down and ran to us, trapping me in an embrace. and I felt that he knew all of it. We didn't have telepathy, but we had emotion, and that was good enough.

   Suddenly, Namjoon's voice cut though my head.

   You can smile as long as we're together. I'm sorry, Taehyung.


A/N:   Well, as you can see, I really love cliffhangers! Please give me feedback so I can improve in the future;I will really appreciate it. I'll try to update MAYBE another chapter soon. I'm really, really sorry if I can't update for several days - school is here.....

Anyways, fighting!


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