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Everyone was looking at each other to see who would volunteer next. Yuzu walked to the middle of the room and started spinning... really fast with one arm and a pointed finger. Everyone just stared at her like she was mentally ill or something. She slowed down with her finger landing on Y/N.

"Now since none of you want to pick, my finger found the chosen one. So sit up and pick your card Y/N!!" Yuzu yelled at the slouching female causing her to look up from her book. She groaned for a while and then sighed in defeat.

"Fine," She reached into the bowl and picked a card nonchalantly... that was until she saw the card. Yuya got up and picked up the card and announced.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. THE PERSON TO GO WITH THIS YOUNG LADY NOW WILL BE..." He peeked at the card and blushed transforming full on into a tomato. "...Me?!" Marik just snickered at his reaction and shoved the two in the closet.

Marik shoved me and Y/N into the closet making her fall on top of me. I could feel her hot breath on my neck as she struggled to get up. She managed to get up on her hands and knees and stuttered "I-I'm s-so sorry Yuya! I didn't mean to! I jus-" I cut her off by chuckling lightly.

"It's alright. It wasn't your fault that Marik was born a jerk." She smiled and sat up, with me copying her actions. Suddenly I felt my neck jerk towards her head making are faces appear only inches apart.

"Ow." She said quietly. I realized that my pendulum got tangled with her flower pendant. I slowly reached for it at the same time as her.

"Sorry." We both apologized in unison.

"No it's ok you can untangle it." We both said once again.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" I said face palming and laughing lightly. Suddenly she moved her hand and started to untangle both pendants. I just silently watched wondering if it seemed creepy to just be staring at her untangling it.

I started to slowly untangle both of our pendants. I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not but I thought I saw Yuya just staring at me silently the whole time. It was creepy but I still felt a blush creep its way onto my face. Even when it was untangled and we had the freedom to part, we still didn't.

Yuya suddenly leaned even closer and whispered something in my ear softly. "Today I don't want to just hang out at this party. I want a reason to celebrate. The reason could be of me finally making you mine if you accept." he said and pulled back smiling. He stared at me waiting for an answer. Omg I cant blow this. This is my only chance!!

"I do accept. I've liked you for a while now, Yuya." I said and smirked. Right from when I said 'I do' it sounded like a wedding. But what happened next seemed like the part when they say 'You may now kiss the bride'. Except in my situation it was you may now kiss the girlfriend.

Yuya grinned and moved in closing the space between us. It was gentle... at first. Yuya bit my lip a bit hard so I gasped due to the small amount of pain. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue in and explore my mouth.

The door burst open to reveal a grinning Sora. He took a picture with his phone and giggled. "Cute." He said and just walked away leaving Y/N to try and stop Yuya from attacking him. When he calmed down, both headed back together and decided that this was the perfect thing to celebrate. On the other hand, more guys awaited for their soulmates to be found all through a silly, but fun, game...
And that is a wrap for this one folks! Just going to let you know that next up is Shark/Reginald/Ryoga Kastle! Bye duelists!!!😘 (I'm keeping this or the sake of my cringey self from sixth grade oof)

Last Edited: 12•25•16

(Kill me reuploading this hurts— 7/11/18)

-YuGiOh! 7 Minutes In Heaven- COMPLETED 7/11/18Where stories live. Discover now