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Duke was currently playing snakes and ladders with Yuma and the game was intense. Yuma was one number 83 and Duke was on 13. If Duke rolled a three he would get a ladder all the way to number 96. If Yuma rolled a five, he would get a snake all the way back 45. It was currently Duke's turn.

"And now it's Devlin's turn! Will he lose? Will he win? Who knows?!" Shark narrated, purposely annoying the two players of this intense battle.

"Shut up, Kastle!" Duke sneered. He rolled once and the dice landed on a... two. "GOD DAMMIT I-"

"So you forfeit?" Yuma asked grinning. Duke reconsidered his actions and shook his head. It was now Yuma's turn. He shook the dice in his hands as it toppled onto a... six. "Phew!" He exclaimed. He was now on 89. Just one more roll and if the tan male got a four, he would get a ladder to a hundred, automatically winning the game. Duke rolled onto a one.

"Yes!" He exclaimed as he moved his piece to 96. Yuma gave a sly smirk. He rolled onto a... four.

"HA!" Yuma cheered as the others who were rooting for him cheered along with him.

"How?!" Duke asked.

"IT'S BECAUSE I WAS SOO FEELIN' THE FLOW!" Yuma shouted his dorky catchphrase. As he did this, a young female with H/L H/C hair giggled in the back. She walked up to Yuma and gave him a closed eye smile.

"Great job Yuma! Hey, wanna pick a card? It'll be fun!" Y/N suggested with sparkling eyes. Yuma blushed. He has liked Y/N since he got to know her and now he was being asked to play 7 Minutes In Heaven at her party. But what if I get her?! I don't know if she likes me back! Yuma sweat dropped but soon nodded when he saw Y/N standing there, waiting for an answer.

"Um... sure. Ok......I got....F/C (favorite card)!" Y/N blushed. She took the card out of Yuma's hands and paced it back in her deck.

"Oh! Well, come on then!" She motioned for him to follow her as she started walking towards the closet.

"7 minutes starting now!" Kite shouted.

Inside the small space, Yuma fidgeted with his necklace. Suddenly, he couldn't feel it anymore as a clink was heard echoing through the closet. "Yuma, did you drop something?" Y/n asked concerned. Yuma nodded as he kneeled looking for it.

"Yeah my locket! It broke and fell off!" He said panicking. Y/N gasped and nodded as she kneeled along with him. She felt something cold tangled along with her fingers so she sat up on her knees.

"Hey Yuma I found-" she got cut off as she felt someone's nose bump in between her breasts. She slowly grabbed his head from both sides and lifted his head to see a red faced Yuma.

"I-I'm sorry!" He stuttered.

"Um, it's ok. I found your necklace. Want me to fix it for you?" She asked gently. Yuma nodded as Y/N worked her magic. "Done." She said holding up the chain. She put it over his head as he looked up. What Y/N did next surprised Yuma. She softly put her lips on his and separates about 10 seconds later. Even if it was short, every second was like a dream to the short boy.

"Woah," he said as she separated. "I was so feelin' the flow right then." He stated with wide eyes. Y/N giggled. "So I reckon you like me back then?" Yuma asked.

"Of course I do silly!" She exclaimed and hugged him. Yuma hugged back but was broken off as Akiza opened the doors.

"Ok, get out lovebirds." Akiza said laughing slightly.

(Aliza looks like Kallen from Code Geass asdfghjkl— 7/11/18)

-YuGiOh! 7 Minutes In Heaven- COMPLETED 7/11/18Where stories live. Discover now