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          Duke Devlin. The guy who's all THAT. Ladies man, hot, hated Yugi but became nice, hot, creator of DDM,(which is TOTALLY a rip off of DM) player, theme song is Sexyback, and did I forget to mention, he's hot.

          "Duke? Wanna play?" Y/N asked scratching the back of her neck while holding out the hat. Duke opened one eye and processed her words through his mind.

          "Umm, don't you think you're too innocent for that Y/N?" Duke said. "I know everybody wants this body but, I never thought everyone would include you." Y/N stood there flustered and angry. She thwacked him on the bead with the palm of her hand and yelled at him.

          "Not THAT you dipshit!! Pick a card and see who you have to go in the closet with!!" Duke sighed and grabbed her wrist pulling her closer.

          "Why make me pick a card when you can just go with me anyways. I know you clearly want me." Y/N just rolled her eyes and yanked her hand out of his grip.

          "As if. Now just pick cause I have to pee." Duke put his hand in. When he took the card out he huffed and pulled her close to him by the wrist once again.

          "Well hold your pee for later. Right now we got a game to play, so come on in to the closet with me." Duke said and smirked. He then dragged her away. Y/N mouthed help me while others snickered and some had sorry looks. Oh god. What have I gotten myself into?! Y/N thought worriedly as she got trapped in a closet with the biggest pervert in all the history of perverts.

          This is gonna be fun. Duke thought as he shut the door himself.

          Y/N huffed and turned to see nothing but air. "Duke? Where are you?" She said as she held out her arms walking around the closet. She suddenly felt two arms wrap around her waist. "Ok. How THE HELL DID YOU EVEN GET BEHIND ME? Last time I checked, I was the one being dragged into the closet against my own will." Duke chuckled at this.

          "Ok. First of all, I have my ways. Second of all, you were the one who told me to pick a card. I picked one and got yours. The rules of the games say you have to go in with the owner of the object you picked. I'm just playing by the rules... unless you want me to break them." Duke said the last part huskily.

          "Duke. Stop. This. Shit. Right. Now." Y/N said and just heard a grunt of disapproval.

          "Hmmm. Lemme think about it... no." Duke said and spun her around so she was facing him. He took her arms and pushed her up against a wall hovering over her. He leaned into her ear and whispered, "No escaping now. You can only exit after you pay the price." This sent cold shivers down Y/N's body but soon enough, her old stubborn self took over.

          "What price? I'm the victim here! Your the pervert that's about to commit a crime!!!" She yelled at him. Duke tilted and eyebrow.

          "So...this is a crime?" He said while leaning closer to her, his eyes on her lips. He closed the gap and Y/N gasped by "accident". Duke took this chance and slid his tongue in. The battle for dominance was of course, won by Duke. Y/N moaned into it and Duke did as well. Duke then pinned her hands over her head making an X shape with one of his and with the other he roamed all around her hip. A blinding flash of light interrupted the two as Quattro took a picture.

"This is gonna be great for my blog!" He whisper yelled while walking away. Duke and Y/N had confused faces as they exited the small closet and sat down together. Duke gave her one last peck before Y/N fell asleep on his lap. "I'm glad we played this game." Duke said and leaned back to get a small cat nap along with Y/N as well.
Next up is the one and only tule screwing Seto Kaiba!!! That's all!! (Tule screwing? Was this a reference? Shit id remember but my memory just went gOTTa BLaSt)

Last Edited: 1•8•17

(I wanna die why does this trash have so many views but not my Lucas X Reader I'm working so hard on. I mean, yeah I only published one chapter but c'mon I think it's good— 7/11/18)

-YuGiOh! 7 Minutes In Heaven- COMPLETED 7/11/18Where stories live. Discover now