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Okay guys! I am gonna try something different this time and I hope you enjoy! In this one, you don't like Zane, but you do. You'll probably get it when you read it. Well, enjoy!
Right now y/n was pinned to the wall of a bathroom. Right now, the one and only Zane Truesdale was in front of her. She knew Zane, and he was right in front of her.

But this wasn't like Zane. Usually Zane wouldn't be this rough. And he wouldn't have worn such dark clothing. It was weird. Before Y/n left to go to the bathroom, Zane was on the couch wearing his usual Obelisk Blue uniform. Then suddenly he came in the bathroom while she was fixing her make-up. Then, he suddenly pinned her to the wall which led to your current situation.

"I have you now. There's no escape. So don't try anything." Zane said in a deep, scary voice while he licked the shell of her ear. This set off y/n.

"Me?! Me try anything?! You're the one who came into a bathroom while someone was using it. Not to mention a lady was using it!" Y/n yelled. In return she only felt blood trickle down her neck. When she looked down, she saw a small slit on her neck formed by Zane's teeth.

"Don't yell at me!" Zane yelled. "Now then. Let's get back to business, now shall we?" Zane said while leaning closer, and closer to her face. Right when his lips were just centimeters away, he pulled back after hearing a yell.

"Y/N! Are ya in there?" It was obviously Joey's voice by the sounds of it. Zane glared at you giving you the message 'Don't Screw This Up'. Y/n nodded quickly and lightly pushed him off.

"Y-yeah! I just asked Zane to help me fix my make-up!"

"So I can come in?" Joey asked.

"Y-yeah!" At least she did fix her make-up so it wouldn't look like she was lying. Y/n glanced at Zane and he was back in his normal clothes. What the hell! How?!

"Wanna play-Woah Y/N! What happened to your neck?!" She remembered the cut. Oh shit.

"I accidentally scratched her. My nail was chipped so it caused her cut to draw blood." Zane said while y/n mentally praised him for saving your butt. Joey nodded but he looked like he was still in disbelief.

"Anyways, I was wonderin' if you guys wanted to play Seven Minutes In Heaven? I brought da bowl!"

Zane smirked. "It's ok! I already know who I want to go with!" He replied and turned to y/n, softly taking her hand. This is when she just noticed that he was back to normal.

"O-ok. Sure." You said softly. What the hell happened to "Zane"?! Now he seems just fine!

          Joey smirked. "Am I missing somethin'?"

          Zane shook his head. "No. I just confessed now."

          Joey nodded smiling. "Mind if I tell the others?" Y/n shook her head not knowing why.

          "All right! Now come on!" Joey said. Y/n and Zane made their way to the closet as she noticed everyone staring at her. Must be the cut.

          "Joey tell them what happened to my neck. It's not a big deal anyways." Joey nodded. Zane pulled you into the closet and shut the doors. She backed up into the wall as he stepped closer and closer.

          ZANE'S POV
          Once I pulled Y/N in I shut the doors. I felt terrible. What now? I turned to Y/N. She looked too hot. I just couldn't resist. I started slowly walking towards her while she back up into the wall. She finally reached the end. She's trapped with nowhere to go. This may be my only chance. I cupped her face with one hand and put the other hand on her waist.

          "Z-Zane? Wha-what are y-you doi-" I cut her off and slammed my lips onto hers into a chaste kiss. Her mouth was already slightly open so I slipped my tongue in to claim it as my own territory. I could feel her trembling but soon she relaxed. We separated after about 2 minutes with a thick trail of saliva connecting our lips. She looked confused, upset, scared, angry, you name it. All negative emotions.

Oops. I bet I was bad.

          "Y/N? Are you okay?" She looked a bit surprised and then relaxed.

          "Zane. I-I'm fine but I'm wondering. Are YOU okay?" I nodded.

          "I'm sorry about what happened in the bathroom. I guess I just went a bit yandere. No. More like berserk. That was weird. I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Will you forgive me? I swear. I LOVE you Y/N." I saw the slightest corners of her lips curve into a gentle smile.

          "It's ok. I-I love you too Zane." I smiled back. Suddenly my eyes darted to the bruise on her neck. I felt sadness and guilt wash over me. I looked back at her. All I could see was mercy, forgiveness, and could it be?... love. For me. After all I've done.

          I slowly leaned towards her again and licked off the blood on her neck and when I was done, just planted a soft kiss there. I moved back towards her lips. Right when I was about to move in, the closet was flooded with light.

          "Alright get out you love birds! Others need their chance too!" Yuzu yelled and pushed us both out. I fell on the couch back wards and Y/N fell on me. When she sat up she appeared to be straddling my waist with an innocent look on her face. I smiled at her, happy that we were together now.
Next up is my fellow ATTY RHODES. For those of you who don't know, Atty is my nickname for Atticus so I am actually gonna do Atticus Rhodes. (Oh my god I read To Kill a Mockingbird this year and oof ATTICUS FINCH SLAY ME DAD—)

Last Edited: 1•8•17

(Yo so I had an old face reveal and idk if I should reupload it?... it has old tags too... what do you guys think?— 7/11/18

Ps. Im aware its not 7/11 anymore but shut up i wanna feel accomplished lol)

-YuGiOh! 7 Minutes In Heaven- COMPLETED 7/11/18Where stories live. Discover now