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Dem eyelashes be so big on the Queen of Eyeliner AKA Marik Ishtar XD. This one is for @the2anime_fanatics ! I know it's a bit late but I hope you enjoy! P.S prepare for the abridged series references! Leggo! *writes while watching LittleKuriboh* (i'm such trash... still love shadyvox tho bc damn Jaden what a man)

"Ugh." The tan male grunted while reaching for the bottle of coke. He finally managed to take ahold of the cap and pull it up. Marik refilled his cup and set the bottle down. Right when he was putting the cup up to his lips, a young girl with sparkling E/Y eyes interrupted him.

"HEY MARIK?!" Y/N shouted into his ear as the plastic cup tipped over and the contents spilled onto his lap.

"Oh I've spilled my soda. So be it." The Egyptian said in a monotone voice. Y/N only giggled at his response. He turned to her with a pissed expression. "What is it now Y/N?" He sneered. Although it seemed like Marik hated this girl, he grew quite fond of her. It went from just a classmate, to a friend, to a sisterly love, but now Marik formed a huge crush on the young female. She could just piss him off at times.

"Wanna play?~" she cooed while holding out the bowl in front of Marik's face.

"No." he said plainly, turning away to hide his blush.

"Too bad!" The girl shouted as she picked out her own card. It just so happened to be the Winged Dragon of Ra (ok so just pretend Yami didn't want it and gave it to him— such logic much wow amirite). Suddenly the albino was pulled into a dark closet as he heard a voice that kind of sounded like Alito yelling at him.


"Hey Marik!" I turned to face Y/N.


          "I like you?" (Idk why the question mark is here but im leaving it. I... like you?... lol) I was stunned.

          "Really?" She shook her head and giggled.

          "NOPE. SIKE." My heart sank right on the spot. I was right. Why would she like me? I'm always so mean to her just to hide my feelings. "I love you~" she cooed. Although I was mentally jumping with happiness all I could think was Such straight forwardness much wow -_-.

          Suddenly I felt warm lips on mine. It hit me like a brick. She's KISSING ME. I couldn't give up this chance. I pulled her closer by the waist and brushed my tongue against her bottom lip. She denied so I pressed myself against her. Y/N let out a low groan of pleasure as she accidentally opened her mouthed. I slipped my tongue in and easily won the fight for dominance.

          Looks like Y/N was tired of me taking control because when I started to pull away, she pulled me back and held my head so I couldn't breathe. I started banging on the door and she finally let my head go. I was panting heavily.

          "I *pant* hate you... *pant* idiot." I panted. The doors opened to leave a smirking Bakura.

          "Love you too~" Y/N purred as she dragged me to the couch, while my mind was overflowing with "colorful" ideas of what I would do with her now that she's my girlfriend.

(Woooah black on black- if u get this i love u— 7/11/18)

-YuGiOh! 7 Minutes In Heaven- COMPLETED 7/11/18Where stories live. Discover now