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The party went on and so did the game, more and more people getting together with the people they liked. Unfortunately, Syrus Truesdale hadn't, as he sat on the couch, fiddling with his glasses.

          "Yo Syrus!" Jaden called out, the blue haired boy lifting his head in response. "Wanna grab a card?" The brunette asked, his grin wide as he held out the clear bowl, cards inside, some old, some shiny. Each belonging to a certain person in the room. It signified who they were, and that's what scared Syrus.

It didn't matter to him which card he picked. It was who owned it. The male sighed, nodding softly. "Uh, sure, I guess..." he mumbled, reaching in and feeling the thin cards. While doing so, he glanced at Y/n, on the opposite end of the room, reassuringly smiling at him.

He took a deep breath before pulling out a card, now trapped between his thumb and index finger. "Uh, Y/n..?" Syrus looked up at the girl.

"Would you... mind playing?" He asked, turning the card to reveal her most used dragon.

"I'd love to!" She smiled, walking towards him and confidently taking his hand. The blush he wore was bright on his light skin, as he was then pulled into the closet.

          Once in the closet, Syrus sighed, taking his time to face y/n. "Soo..." he started, clearing his throat so he wouldn't seem like a fool in front of the girl he's liked for so long. "...you, don't mind being here... with me?..."

          Y/n only chuckled in response, then shaking her head. "Of course not, Syrus! Why else would I play? Speaking of play, mind getting started?" She joked and tilted her head slightly.

          The male shook his head, blush darkening. "Sure! But wait!- I need to tell you... I like you... a lot." Y/n laughed slightly, and Syrus quirked a brow.

          "That was obvious enough, but that's alright!" She reassured, leaning in so they were close. "It's pretty cute, too," y/n grinned, pecking his lips. Just as she backed up, she went in again, this time gently kissing him for a while longer. Pulling back, she smiled again. "Syrus, don't be so nervous all the time! What kind of girl would I be if I rejected a sweet guy like you, hm?"

          Syrus would reply. He would. Probably something about how glad he was or just a small "love you". But be couldn't, as the doors were flung open by none other than Chazz. "I caught all of that!" He cheered, pulling out a small camera from the edge of the closet door.

          "W-was this a prank, then?!" Syrus started, nervousness clear in his voice. Y/n wrapped her arms around him, placing her lips on his cheek sweetly.

          "Pft of course not! Chazz and I were just betting if you just like me back or not! Now, let's get you to my room, hm?" Y/n grinned jokingly, as Syrus quickly nodded, red as a tomato.

          Before the two left, Jaden stood up, cupping his hands around his mouth. "GET SOME BRO!"

(Lol this was actually a last minute request and I felt bad bc i didn't do him yet, and yeah i do realize there aren't that many of Syrus. Also, idk if you guys can see any change in writing from this chapter compared to others? I think my writing did improve, but my format for this fanfic didn't give me enough freedom to go all out with it— 7/11/18)

-YuGiOh! 7 Minutes In Heaven- COMPLETED 7/11/18Where stories live. Discover now