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So sorry I haven't updated. To make it up, I've decided to make this a bit yandere. So for all those yandere lovers out there, enjoy the chapter. Sayonara!👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 (cRInGe)
          (This below is 2nd person's pov?... idk, i didnt change it bc i noticed it in a few chapters lmao and idk why i wrote like this, but im keeping it)
You were now punching the wall, tears streaming down your face, and into your mouth as you were yelling. "Yuya! Please! Move! This isn't you!"

Now what exactly happened you ask? Well here is just a small summary. You picked a card blah blah blah like everyone else throughout the game. You got Yuto's card and Yuto was behind you. He saw and everyone started panicking. He was fine but when he saw that you picked his card he went berserk, again. And you know what happens when Yuto goes berserk, Yuya does too. Then Yuto pulled you in by force while everyone was shaking in fear, due to Yuya's new and darker appearance.

When Yuto and you were finally inside, Yuya blocked the door still in berserk form and that led you to your current situation. A strong pair of arms wrapped around your waist as you gave up and leaned your forehead against the door while sobbing.

"He's not coming for you darling~" Yuto whispered in a gruff voice.

"D-don't call me th-that plea-AH!" Y/N yelled out as she felt something warm and wet on her collar bone going up her neck all the way to her jawline.

"You taste sweet~" Yuto purred as the petrified female shook in his arms. Truth be told, you had liked him. Liked. Yeah, you still had feelings for him, and they were strong... until he went berserk today. So now you had no choice. What was the point anyway? You loved him, and you couldn't say that you weren't enjoying this.

Suddenly, Yuto slowly unwrapped his arm from Y/N's waist only to wrap it around her chest area, his hand over her mouth. Slowly, he moved his hand down and trailed her lower lip with his thumb.

"Your lips feel so smooth against my fingers~ Now I wonder how they would feel pressed against mine~" Yuto cooed. The comment made chills go down your spine which was oddly satisfying.

Yuto spun you around and pinned you against the door, holding both your wrists in one of his hands while the other caressed your curves. The look in his eyes were unknown to you, as you had only seen him like this once. Yuto let out a dark chuckle as your eyes widened at his action.

He leaned in extremely close to Y/N's face, I mean EXTREMELY, and quickly whispered, "Love you." before crashing his lips onto hers. She didn't know why, but Y/N kissed back almost immediately. Yuto licked her bottom lip asking for entrance but Y/N denied playfully.


Yuto bit her bottom lip, HARD, causing her to draw blood. Y/N gasped. She separated from Yuto and put her hand up to her lip as tears formed in her eyes.

"Y-Yuto. Th-that hurts. O-ow." Y/N whimpered in pain as her legs felt wobbly and she began to fall to her knees. Yuto stared at her as she went down, the yandere gaze now no longer in his eyes.

"Y-Y/N. I'm sorry. I love you. I just w-wanted you to be mine." The now normal Yuto said as he picked up her chin. He kissed her gently and looked into her eyes. No. They weren't her eyes, these eyes were... different. "Love you too Yuto~" Y/N slurred as she stood up, along with Yuto following he moves.

She jumped on Yuto and wrapped her legs around his waist. "I forgot to tell you Yuto," Y/N started. She leaned down to his ear and whispered:


And with that, Y/N crashed her lips onto Yuto's and forcefully shoved her tongue in. Yuto had never seen this side of Y/N before, but he liked it. He craved it. He wanted it. He needed it. He needed you.

Yuto immediately kissed back as their tongues battled for dominance. Yuto, being the awesome person he is, won and claimed his territory, as he slid down onto the floor so now Y/N was on his lap. Suddenly, blood was squirted onto the wall besides Yuto's head (wtf am i high) as Y/N bit his lip. He was now in a daze, so he bit her gently in the same spot. The door opened to reveal a terrified Tèa.

"Y/N are you alri-" Tèa was cut off as she saw a pissed Yuto with a small trail of blood dribbling from his mouth and a blotch of blood on the wall next to him. She turned her head a bit to see a pleased Y/N with lust filled eyes and the same trail of blood on her mouth.

Tèa just gulped and nodded understanding they probably needed more time and shut the doors and left. Then Y/N and Yuto continued to... you know what? The rest will be up to you guys on what you do.

Comment below and honestly tell me what you imagined if you're not chicken! Welp, see you in the next chapter! Sayonara! (Pls help)

Last Edited: 1•8•17

(Yandere... tsundere... kudere... dosndk why are there so many— 7/11/18)

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