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Warning. This chapter will be kind of like a lime since from all the ones I've read, they always have a warning for just a BIT of mature content. Also usually in stories I read, Joey is kind of a pervert so yeah! That'll be great! *says first part in a sarcastic voice*Don't worry though! I am innocent and I vow to this day that I SHALL NEVER EVER WRITE A LEMON SINCE I AM TOO INNOCENT. (Honey this is a lie)

"Hey Y/N! Wanna play?! Come on! Pick a card!" yelled a guy's voice from behind the annoyed BL/RA/BR (blonde, raven, or brunette). That unmistakeable, heavy, Brooklyn accent could only belong to one person, and who would that person be?

          Ugh. Joey Wheeler. Yep! Joey Wheeler. Y/N's secret crush. Of course he was sweet, cute, funny, and dumb, but sometimes he could annoy the hell out of her.

          "Go away dog." Y/N said shooing him off with her hand. Joey took offense to this and glared at the rich CEO of Kaiba Corp who was behind him smirking.

          That's my girl. I've taught her well. Kaiba thought to himself. Joey then turned back to Y/N.

          "You've been spendin' way too much time with money bags Y/N. I'm sorry it had to come to this but, you gotta do what you gotta do." Y/N started turning to him confused.

          "What do you mean Jo-" but she didn't get to finish her sentence as Joey slung her over his shoulder.

          "LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" Joey just kept on walking and placed her in the closet. He shut the doors and stood in front of it to block her only exit. "JOEY YOU DIPSHIT WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Y/N yelled sounding a bit muffled due to her case.

          "I'm picking for ya since ya too stubborn!" Joey shouted back. He picked a card out and stared at it for a while. "Red Eyes Black Dragon?" He said to no one in particular.

          "Joey get in before I do the same thing you did to Y/N." Akiza said while rolling her eyes at the blonde. Joey huffed and got into the closet not knowing what to expect from his fellow companion that was trapped with him in the room.

          YOUR POV
          While I was waiting for my partner to come in, the door opened and I caught a small glimpse of dirty blonde hair. Oh god no. Can it be?

          "Y/N? Where are ya?" A voice asked. The Brooklyn accent gave it away.

          Oh no no no.

          "Y-yeah! Right here J-Joey!" I replied raising an arm to see if it would help which it probably didn't.

          "Oh okay!" Joey replied and started shuffling closer to me.

          "Uh..what's he doing? A woman needs her space! Shouldn't he know that from Serenity?! I didn't notice my hands was still up until Joey grabbed it and pinned it above my head along with the other hand. He leaned in close and right when I thought he would kiss me, he attacked my neck. No literally. Just soft kisses along my neck heading downwards. He went back up to my ear and licked the shell.

          "You know Y/N, I've been waiting QUITE A LONG TIME for this moment~" he purred and didn't even give me a chance to respond as he went for my lips.

          As Joey and Y/N kissed, one of his hands let go allowing it to roam down her side to her waist where he rubbed it slightly. Y/N tried her best to hold a moan in but failed terribly causing her to let out a loud moan/grunt that surely everyone outside heard. Joey licked her bottom lip asking for access which Y/N denied playfully.

         Wrong move. Joey gets what he wants when it comes to girls. But this was his first one anyway. He squeezed her hip asking once more before he stopped playing Mr.NiceGuy. She denied ONCE AGAIN and ONCE AGAIN it was the wrong move. Joey slid his hand to the rim of her leggings and grabbed her ass. Y/N gasped allowing him access which he smirked into as victory. Soon they separated with a pleased Joey and a happy/exhausted Y/N. He ruffled her hair with a grin.

          "You're so adorable Y/N." Y/N smiled panting still.

          "Th-*pants*-Thanks." Right then, Crow opened the door and his jaw dropped along with everyone else's once they saw the state Y/N was in. She was bending over,hands on her knees, panting, hair messed up, shirt lifted a bit up and leggings sliding a bit down. Akiza coughed to break the silence.

          "Um Joey. What were you two doing?" Akiza asked worriedly still looking at Y/N. Joey guided Y/N to the couch pulling her over by the waist and sat down with her leaning on his shoulder.

          "Just kissing." Joey said bluntly. Ryou turned to Y/N with a look of disbelief.

          "Y/N?" Y/N nodded. "Joey's not lying. We were just kissing." Ryou tilted his head.

          "Aggressively." Y/N said and laughed.
Okay guys! I don't know who requested this or if any one did so, Dear Whoever The Hell Requested This, I hope you enjoyed and Zane Truesdale is next! (Zane was such a snacc tbh oof)

Last Edited: 1•8•17

(Oh how I missed Wattpad lol feels good to be with readers— 7/11/18)

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