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Yugi silently watched Yusei and his new partner come out of the closet. What's on your mind Yugi? You seem a bit off? Yami asked using his mind link with Yugi.

          Well, Y/N's going next and I really like her. What if she gets Dark Magician my card? Yugi replied worriedly.

          You'll be fine. Besides, I think she likes you back. Remember when she helped you with that project? Yami said in a reassuring tone.

          Oh yeah. I do remember. Yugi said.

          Yugi was sitting behind Y/N waiting for his name to be called up to present his project on Russia.

          "Yugi. Your project is really cool and colorful! I like it a lot!" Y/N said sitting backwards in her seat to face him. Yugi blushed and replied softly.

          "Thanks Y/N but, yours is way better!" He said. Suddenly Seto walked over and "accidentally" knocked over Yugi's water bottle to fall over and leak onto his project, ruining the title that said Russia in extremely neat cursive. Yugi quickly picked up the water bottle and grabbed some tissues next to him.

          "Here Yugi. Joey's almost done presenting so you should fix it up." Y/N said as she handed Yugi a big purple marker and some white out paint to fix up the dark smudged spots.

          "I can't. If the teacher found out that you helped me you can get in trouble and I would ruin your reputaion!" Yugi said pushing back the materials towards her.

          Y/N shook her head and said "Getting my reputation is worth it if I don't have to see you get upset over a grade you didn't deserve." Yugi blushed at this and fixed up his project. He handed them back.

          "Good as new. Also, thank you so much." Y/N shook her head and waved her hand forwards to say no problem. The teacher called Yugi up and he gave Y/N a thumbs up. She smiled at him as he stood up and started to explain his project to the class.
          FlashBack Ends

          Yugi suddenly felt a tugging on his arm. He looked up to see Jesse pulling him up and dragging him towards a closet. Y/N was held being lead to the closet also with a visible blush on her cheeks.

          YUGI'S POV
          Oh my god she picked my card! What do I do?! Yugi mentally screamed.

I reassure you that she DOES like you back Yugi. I know you are a sweet and innocent person Yugi but remember, don't go to far. Also, have fun! Yami said through mind link and left. I blushed by what he meant and quickly was able to forget about it due to my innocence.

          I sighed lightly and leaned back against the wall. I put both my hands under my chin and sighed once more. I felt another presence sit next to me. I turned my head to see Y/N with a soft smile on her face. The thought of me and her in the closet alone made me blush once more.

          "Hey Yugi? Are you alright?" She asked almost in a whisper. I nodded my head.

          "One thing does bother me though." I said turning to face her.

          "And that is?" I blushed before I replied.

          "I'm kind of upset because... you're not mine." This line was smooth, c'mon) Y/N took my hand and made me stand up with her.

          "Or am I?" She said and pecked my cheek.

          "You mean it Y/N?" I asked afraid she was just doing his as a prank even though she would probably never do that. She nodded and I almost squealed in happiness but that would be weird.

          "You wanna play still?" I asked. She nodded with a blush and I swear by the name of Ra that she was as cute as Kuriboh. I reached out to her arms and trailed down to her hands intertwining them with my own small ones. I leaned in closer to her face and closed the gap between us.

          YOUR POV
          Yugi closed the gap between us and I just died of fangirling inside. I was kissing The King Of Games!! I didn't care about his title. I cared that he was mine and now I was his. We separated after which was quite a while and smiled at each other.

          Yugi didn't try anything wrong due to his innocence. I mean he was freakin' adorable and so innocent! Zane opened up the door and I frowned. I then turned to Zane and slapped him. It had no affect on him since he was WAY stronger than me and Yugi combined.

          Yugi just stood there stunned with the others and I dragged him by the hand gently. We sat down and began talking. The next person to go in the closet was unknown but Yugi and I didn't care. We just cared about having each other.
Hey guys!! Next up is Jesse from YuGiOh GX!! See you next time fellow duelists!!! Bye! (Why did I ever think that term was cool)

Last Edited: 12•25•16

(It's time to st-st-st-st-st-st-st-st-st-st-st-st-stop!!— 7/11/18)

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