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"Pharoah! Come on!"

"Yugi? What's taking so long for Yami to come out? Is he nervous~?" The H/C haired girl teased. Yami came out of the bathroom enraged after hearing her comment.

"W-what?! I am NOT nervous! I-I just got lost in my mind chambers!" He yelled back at the girl.

"Yeah sure~" she said and held the hat close to his face.

"F-fine." He sighed as he reached in. Please don't be Y/n's card. Please don't be Y/N's card. He thought to himself. He actually DID like her. He was just really nervous and thought that he might make a fool out of himself. But luck wasn't on his side. Yami pulled out the card he dreaded most of all the others and just sat gaping at it.

"Yami? You okay?" Y/N asked while slowly taking the card for to see for herself what it was. Once she realized it was hers, she started blushing immediately.

"O-oh! Um, y-you d-don't have to do th-this Yami." Now it was Yami's turn to tease.

"Are you nervous? Oh come on, I thought you were braver then me. I can't be that bad can I?" Y/N shook her head slowly and suddenly all the anxiety and nervousness Yami had, just disappeared into thin air. Yami stood up and leaned in close to her ear. "Even if I was that bad, I'm certain you would've changed your mind after coming out of the closet." He whispered in such a tone that it sent shivers down her back. "Come on, I won't bite... this time." He said the last part quietly and grabbed her wrist while leading her to the closet.

In the background you could hear everyone whistling, cheering, and shouting "PHAROAH! PHAROAH! PHAROAH!" since they all knew about the thing the Pharaoh had for Y/N. Y/N looked like a tomato the whole time until Yami had finally shut the door.

I closed the door and sighed. Finally. I can confess my feelings to her. I suddenly heard a whimper so I turned to see Y/N silently crying. I let go of her wrist thinking I had a grip that was a tad bit too tight. But that wasn't the case. She sank down and cried against the wall.

"Y-Y/N?" I asked quietly. "What's wrong? D-did I hurt you? Was my grip too tight?!" I whisper shouted not so sure why I was whisper shouting. She looked up slowly with tear stains covering her face.

          "W-what will you d-do to m-me Pharoah?" She asked me quietly. This was strange. She never calls me Pharaoh! Of course everyone else does but she never did before! Oh what have I done?!

          "I-I d-don't know what you mean Y/N. I would never hurt you nor would I want to. What did you think?" She tilted her head slightly to the right.

          "B-but you said something about me changing my mind after what happens in the closet." I thought for a bit. What does she-OH! Did she seriously think I was gonna hurt her?! Great job Pharaoh. You blew it and now she's scared. Damn my sexy voice!! I crouched down to her level and picked up her chin with my index finger.

          "I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean it in that way and nor did I mean to scare you. Can you forgive me?" I asked as reassuringly as possible. She slowly nodded and buried her face in my chest while her hands rested on my shoulders. I was quite surprised by this but got used to it. I wrapped my arms around her back and waist and rested my head in the crook of her neck.

          YOUR POV
          Once me and Yami separated from each others embrace, he kissed me lightly. It was a soft and warm one. His lips tasted like... coffee? I wasn't really sure. Oh well.

          I guess he took advantage of having his own body. When Yugi-kun shared a body, I bet he couldn't have caffeine due to his late growth spurt. Once we separated, he smiled at me and I literally melted inside.

          Damn Yami. Why do you have to be so CUTE~?" I cooed. Yami looked surprised and a bit offended at my commented. Did I say something wrong? Yami faked a cough and put his hands on his chest in a dramatic way.

          "Excuse ME?! YUGI IS ADORABLE! I AM SEXY! OKAY?!" He said in a sassy voice. I burst out laughing.

          "Okay. Whatever you say Pharaoh. Just then, the door burst open to leave a smirking Jaden.

          "So Y/N. Anything new between you two~?" He asked pointing towards the both of us with two fingers.

          "The only new thing besides the fact that I now have a Pharaoh for a boyfriend, I learned that the Pharaoh is a HUGE drama queen." Yami then stood up, did a dramatic cape-flip, and strutted out of the closet. He snapped his finger back and shouted

          "That's right AIBOU!" While sitting down. I giggled once more and sat down with him on the couch. This was one long night for me.
Okay so this was from my request list! I am really not sure who wanted it but I think my dear friend ElementalxNashi would really enjoy it so yeah!! (Nashi I swear u died whERE ARE YOU—)

Last Edited: 1•8•17


-YuGiOh! 7 Minutes In Heaven- COMPLETED 7/11/18Where stories live. Discover now