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"OUR C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G SONG~!!" YN sang/yelled running around her maroon and punk haired friend.

"Damare!" Yuri shouted. No response, just louder singing. Yuri covered his ears, attempting to block out the sound.

"Hey Y/N!" Yusei shouted. Y/N turned and smiled while walking up to him. Thank you Yuri mouthed to Yusei. Yusei waved it off and he pushed the bowl towards the hyper girl.

"Pick one. Get in the closet. Enjoy~" Yusei said to Y/N and secretly winked to Yuri. Yuri blushed and everyone noticed since it seemed like he and Y/N fought so much, that they were like an old married couple. Y/N was even happier when she picked out her card. She skipped to the closet and held the door open.

"Come on here you little fusion scum! Now I get to annoy you more~!" Yuri blushed and got in as Y/N shut the door.

Once they were completely inside, Yuri turned to see the H/C haired girl grinning at him like a maniac. She walked behind him and twirled him around and giggled. She started walking around and jumping around him and then she started to sing. "A DUCK WALKED UP TO A LEMONADE STAND~!!" Yuri growled.

"Shut up." Y/N shook her head still singing.

"AND HE SAID TO THE MAN, RUNNIN THE STAND, HEY!! BAM BAM BAM!!" This is my chance Yuri thought. "GOT ANY GRAPES?!" Yuri smirked.

"No but I got a way to make you moan my name~" Yuri purred.

"Wait wha-?!" Y/N got cut off as Yuri grabbed her and forcefully pushed her lips apart with his mouth. He then shoved his tongue in, exploring his new lover's territory. With one hand he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. When they separated, there was a string of saliva connecting their mouths. Yuri smirked at her reaction, her eyes wide but a glint of pleasure in them. He lowered his head to her collar bone and licked up, all the way to her jawline.

"Yuri~" Y/N moaned.

"Hmm~?" Yuri hummed in response.

"I-I love you." Yuri smiled and pecked her on the lips lightly.

"I love you too, my childish girl. Finally, now I know how to make you shut up. I just have to pleasure you and make more reasonable sounds come out of you. Next time I'll try harder~" Yuri cooed. Y/N's face was already pink but near the end it was as red as the bottom of Yuya's hair. Yuri then opened the door himself guessing that was seven minutes. BIG MISTAKE GETTING OUT. Once he got out, everyone started singing.

"WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! ONCE WE KNOW, THAT WE ARE, WE'RE ALL STARS, AND WE SEE THAT~!!" Yuri face palmed but dealt with the torture.
Ok so this one was for my girl ElementalxNashi So sorry I updated late but here is my excuse that EVERYONE SURELY UNDERSTANDS. That word(excuse) is none other than MATH. Welp, hope ya'll enjoyed. Next is Trey I think but I don't remember. Yay amnesia! JK ID HAVE IT BUT ALL DANGANRONPA FANS HERE UNDERSTAND IT! BYE!!

Last Edited: 1•8•17

(I hate HSM idk why i wrote that— 7/11/18)

-YuGiOh! 7 Minutes In Heaven- COMPLETED 7/11/18Where stories live. Discover now