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Okee guys, I'm sorry for not updating, but I'm feeling smiley today so I decided to not be a lazy bitch and do my job, er hobby, er request... you know what just enjoy the chapter!!

"Dennis! Your turn!" Y/N shouted as the orange haired male tried to get away. She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, causing the poor guy to fall backwards onto his ass. "Oops! Sorry!" Dennis groaned as he rubbed his backside.

"Well thanks for destroying my pelvis!" Dennis said sarcastically as he picked a card from the bowl Y/N was holding out. Others in the room were watching to see who Dennis would get. Y/N smiled as she saw a familiar name come up.

"Well, looks like your going with me!" She chirped. The two staggered over to the closet.

Who gave Y/N that much redbull? It's like she's drunk or something! Wait... what do drunk people do when they're trapped in a closet with another guy?... oh no.... Dennis thought as he panicked in the closet. He unconsciously started walking around the closet as Y/N stared at him confused.

"Hey Dennis?... you okay?" The orange haired fellow turned around startled.

"U-um yeah! Of c-course I am! Um... what do you plan on doing?" Y/N tilted an eyebrow at his strange question but replied anyway.

"Playing the game. Duh!" Y/N smiled. Dennis blushed.

"You actually want to play with-" he started but cut off as she lightly pressed her lips to his. Dennis started to kiss back but Y/N separated too soon. What a tease... Dennis thought. "Did that answer your question?" Dennis nodded. Now Y/N was blushing. "U-um Dennis? I-I like you and I was wo-wondering if you'd like to go out with me?" Y/N was now a flustered mess. Dennis chuckled.

"You just kissed me and you're so flustered now? Anyways, Of course I'd go out with you! I've liked you since I saw you with Yuya two years ago! I was worried you guys were dating for a sec." He replied scratching the back of his neck. Y/N grinned from ear to ear and hugged the orange haired male tightly.

"Thank you!" Dennis chuckled and they separated. Rio opened the doors.

"Awww. You guys are so cute.~" she cooed. Dennis rolled his eyes as Y/N giggled. Dennis sat down and Y/N picked up the bowl and looked around the room.

"Who's next?"

(im infatuated with Huang Xuxi send help this man istg— 7/11/18)

-YuGiOh! 7 Minutes In Heaven- COMPLETED 7/11/18Where stories live. Discover now