TMNT Love story 2

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Hey! My names Elise but others know me as siladic. I forgot my password so now his is the new me. Hope you like! and yes I know in my last story there was no chapters. But now there are know thanks! And i don't own the turtles! I own Amy though and the story.


Amy and Raph go back to there lair. Amy went to talk to Leo and saw him kissing Kaira. So she ran out to the surface,Raph and Leo followed her. But she got hit by a car and the Krang took her.

CH.1;the truth

Everything happens so fast. I'm just a little shocked and sad of what happened. But after a few minutes I was alright. So I went to my room and grabbed my sharpest sais and went to the dojo to train a little. After awhile I went to talk to Leo. I went to his room first. "Leo? You in there?" I asked. "Go away Raphael." He growled. I stood my ground and got closer. "Let me in Leo. I just want to talk." I said. I heard a soft sigh and metal sounds. So I backed up a bit and the door opened. I walked in, and crossed my arms against my chest. He closed the doors and stared at me. "So what did you want to talk about?" I looked at him and said "Why was Amy crying?" He looked away from me and he heisted. "Leonardo. Answer me." I said and walked closer to him, my anger building up. He still didn't answer me. "Kaira kissed me. And I didn't pull away." He Confessed. I stared at him. How could he cheat on Amy?!? "You don't deserver her! She didn't need you to hurt her."I growled and tackled him. We Wrestled.


Leo pushed Raph off,He flew back and hit the wall. Leo then pinned him to the wall by pushing him to it. Raph kicked his stomach so he would let him go,Raph fell as Leo backed up holding his stomach. With him wounded Raph jumped up in the air to land on him. Once He got on him He looked him in the eyes with pure rage in his. "Why would you do that?!? She's the most perfect girl in the world and you hurt her? That's not right!" Raph was so angry He didn't really know what He was saying. Leo glared at him and paunched his chin so He would fall back. Then Raph was on his back,Leo got on him. "Well,kaira kissed me and I tried to pull away. But when i tried she would pull me back in close. I couldn't do anything and that's when Amy came in." He explained. Raph didn't really care what happened. All He cared about was how Amy felt,and what Leo did was unforgivable. Leo leaned a little to one side so Raph rolled him and pinned his arms so he couldn't hit him again. "If you really loved her then you would have shoved her off! And when I was falling for her you had to came and take her away from me!" Raph yelled. He didn't know He loosen his hands on leo's arms. So he sat up and head butted him. Raphael struggled back one of his hands covering his nose and the other helping him sit up. Leo did a backwards roll and was on his knees. Then he stood up and pulled out his katana blades. Raphael finally stood up and pulled his hand away from his nose and saw something red. When he looked closer he realized that it was blood. Leo gave Him a bloody nose. Raph's rage was boiling and he pulled out his sais and ran towards Leo.

Raphael's sai's hit Leo's blade. With the other katana he tried to hit Raph but he caught it and pushed it away. Leo shot at Raph's head,but moved his head away and the blade shot by his neck instead. "What do you mean I stole her from you?" Asked Leo. Raph began to blush. "I mean that... That I'm in love with Amy." He said. Leo stared at him confused and wasn't focusing on the fight. Raph saw his chance and did a quick back kick knocking Leo down. He landed on his back with Raph on him,one sai was stabbed in the ground the other right by Leo's Throat. It didn't touch him but if he pushed it down it would stab him. "I love Amy Leo. I love her so much it scares me. And it hurts seeing her with you. But since I want her to be happy,I don't care who she's with as long as she is okay. But if anyone hurts her,then I will hurt them." Leo stared at him. He didn't know that Raph loved her that much. All of a sudden Donnie opened the door.

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