The lost

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Since the boys saved Amy from the Krang splinter had started to tech her with April. They learned fast and was doing good. But amy had been capture 2 more times and they got really hurt. amy would blame it on her but they would tell her it was ok. On one patrol the Krang and the foot ambushed them and took Mikey, and Donnie. They quickly followed them and saw they took them to T. C.R.I. On the Third level (which is up high in the sky.) they stopped and the Krang put a trap for them. Leo,Raph, and Amy didn't know intel it was too late. They battled for 10 minutes intel a Krang droid pulled out a laser. Raph was the one right by it an the windows. It stated to charge and he didn't know about it. All the Krang sounds were gone and Amy looked up and around to see if anyone needed help and saw the laser. She panicked and ran to Raph quickly.

The laser shoot and Raph looked up and saw it. "RAPH! NO!" Amy screamed. She shoved Raph out of the way and instead got hit by the laser. The hit was so strong she broke the window and started to fall down. Raph watched horrified with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. "Amy... AMY!"He ran to the window and looked down to see her falling. "Hang on!" He called. He took a few steppes back and was about to ran forward but Leo grabbed him and held him back. Raph struggle and was very confused "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? LET ME GO!" He called. Mikey had also grabbed him and was helping Leo. Donnie joined in and put a needle in Raph's neck with sleeping juice in it. He's eyelids became heavy and he saw darkness start to surround him. He fell to the floor with a thud and looked up at the window, he put one hand up as if he was trying to grab it and muttered "Amy... Amy..." He fell asleep. They let him go an looked sad. "That shot had to kill her. It was really powerful and hard. Plus the fall." Leo explained to his other brothers sadly. They all looked at Raph, they could all ready tell he was going to be very upset. Leo sighed and picked Raph up. "Lets go back home..." They nodded and they went home.

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