Big fight

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Hey guys quick note. Your probably going to hate me after this chapter but after a few other chapters you'll be so happy. I can't tell what's going to happen but you'll like it when it happens. Anyways read on.



Raph leaned in but Amy put a hand to his chest to stop him and she leaned back. He opened his eyes and looked confused. "Raph, I do remember everything but I can't remember how I fell in love with you. I can't remember why I did or how your kiss felt. I can't remember those. And I still love Leo." She said as her head hung low.

He looked at her with anger boiling up. "What?" He asked. "I still love Leo Raph. I'm sorry." She repeated. "Are you kidding me?! He's cheated on you, almost killed you, forgot about you, and now he married a girl in front of you! He's hurt you so many times and you still love him?!" He shouted as he stood. Amy stood up as well "What do you expect that I just go like 'oh well I don't love him anymore forget him'?!? No one can just do that!" She yelled back. "Yea I did! And yes you could! All you have to do is forget about them and go with the right person!" He yelled. Amy got in his face, "And what if your not the right one?! What if my memory's are wrong?! What if you lied that you did love me!" She yelled with small tears in her eyes. "Why would I lie?! I'm telling the truth!! I wouldn't hurt you like Leo has!" He yelled back. Amy looked at him breathing deeply and more tears were sliding down her cheeks. "You say your not like Leo? That's a huge lie. You both love to hurt me." She said.

Amy ran out as Raph stood there for a second before going after her. She was about to use a smoke bomb to get away. "No!" He yelled as he tried to get Amy but she had disappear and he fell on to a chair. He got up and looked around. She was gone... After a moment he realized that he was way to harsh on her and he saw why she thought that. "Amy I'm sorry." He whispered.


Amy was in a ally way alone. She changed into her human form and walked around. She walked through a park. Not a smart idea. They were couples there, Amy's heart hurt as she felt like she wanted to be in someone's arms like the other girls but she continued walking. Later on she arrived to a restaurant and at a hamburger with small fries and a shake. She kept looking out the window and looked at the dark sky. Once she finished she paid and left. She saw more couples, so she went to ally and went on the rooftops. "Why does this happen to me? I just want someone to love me..." Amy said. Again she looked up and saw the stars shine and a full moon.


He was walking around the Sewers and noticed a light. He walked towards it and saw a opening. (The thing with three bars and then the underground on the side of the streets.) He looked up and saw the stars and moon giving light to the dark cold city. To him the stars shone as Amy's eyes. He growled in frustration and shook his head. "Why doesn't she love me? I've tried so many things and it ends up the same. Well be together, then something takes her away." He said. Raph sat under the moon light and sighed. He Leaned back and stare at the other wall thinking about Amy. "God! Can I not just stop thinking about her?!" He yelled angrily. His voice echoed off the walls but he heard a small voice in the echo say no. Raph rubbed his eyes and laid down, he looked up at the moon through the bars. His eyes become heavy so he closed his eyes and listened to the sounds of New York as he slowly fell asleep...

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