New love

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Amy had finally arrived at the roof and saw Raph in human form with a another girl. She was talking to him, Amy moved in closer and watched. "Come on Raph. What's wrong? I know something's wrong." She said. Amy thought for a second and realized her. Her name was sam, she had blonde hair and brown eyes. Amy watched from a distance, Raph still didn't answer. He just looked t the sky. "Raph if it's that girl again, I'll knock some sense to her if you want?" She asked cracking her knuckles. Raph stood up and towered over her "Don't ever threaten her!" He yelled with anger in his voice. He shrank back down and sat down again. Sam balled her hands to fist as she yelled back "i can't keep this in anymore!" Raph looked at her confused. "Raph I like you!" She yelled.

Raph looked taken back as Amy's eyes widen. "I've liked you for 2 years." She got closer to Raph, he back up a bit. She put himself on him and was moving to kiss him. Amy had a quick flash back about that with Leo. " No!" She yelled as she raced from her spot.

Sam stopped moving and Raph's head spun to see her. "No!" Amy was still running, she stopped a bit away. "Raph please, I need you. Since that fight you've been on my mind and I realized I do love you. Your nothing like Leo! And I'm sorry that I hurt you." Amy said. Sam narrowed her eyes and got off of Raph and walked to her. "Your the one who broke his heart? Your too ugly and weak looking to be the one." Amy narrowed her eyes. "Seen a mirror lately? Raph i am truly sorry." "Ha! As if he loves me now." Sam smiled big. Amy's heart was starting to be pulled down but Amy pulled it up again and held it up. "Raph please forgive me. Your everything to me. I was stupid to not be able to see that. I was just so lost and I was scared that you would cheat on me like Leo did." Raph looked at Amy and then he looked at sam. He took a step towards sam. Amy got on her knees and put her hands together like a pry. "Raphael hamoto. I am on my knees and begging you to come back. An if you can't come back then at least forgive me." She cried. Raph looked back at Amy. But he looked back at sam and walked towards her.

Amy's eyes watered as she went down and raced away. Amy stopped running but still looked ahead. She again fell to her knees as she cried. "Why? Why?" She asked herself over and over again.


Raph walked towards sam. "I don't love you. And I never will. My heart belongs to Amy. So stay away from her or you'll be sorry." Sam was shocked. Raph walked away and raced after amy. Once he had finally reached her, he saw her crying harder. He walked to her.

"Amy..." Raph started slowly. Amy looked up. "Wh-what do you want?" She asked harshly. "Should-shouldn't you be wi-with your girl-girl friend?" Raph shook his head. "Amy I rejected her. I don't like her at all, I love you." He said. Amy's tears had stopped as she listened. She had a small smile on her face, "my heart will always belong to you Amy. Your all that I need." Amy jumped up and gave Raph a bear hug. They hugged for a few moments and Amy kissed Raph. Once she pulled away she smiled wider "and your all that I need too."

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