Me and Leo?

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I had just finished another memory scan and again nothin there. I was making my way to the dojo to try mediating. I don't do it often but maybe I could remember more. I sat down on the ground and closed my eyes. Moments later I hear someone walk in,so I opened my eyes to see Leo. "Oh hi. I didn't know you were here." He said. I smiled at him "Your good. What are you doing here?" I asked. "Oh well I was going to med. I'll go away if you want." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "No you could stay." I smiled and patted the seat next to me. He smiled and sat by me. After a few moments I was already deep in thought and slowly I saw new memory's.


I was walking into the lair looking for someone and saw a shape. I tackled it and we rolled intel that person was on top. But it wasn't the person I wanted to see. I got lost in his sea blue eyes. He got off of me and we started to talk. I had asked him to tech me some moves and he agreed. I got into it quickly and well so I asked if we could spar. So we did and he won like always. I pushed him off and thought of a plan to get him back. I was about to again tackle him so I could pin him but at the last moment he turned around and I landed on him. My eyes were closed because of pain but I felt something on my lips. So I opened them and saw me and Leo kissing.


I gasped and fell backwards. Leo opened his eyes and looked at me. "Are you ok?" He asked me. I looked at him and I didn't know what to say, but I sat up and was taking deep breathes. I can't believe that happened. "Amy!" Shouted Leo. I finally looked at him, "are you ok?" He asked again. I nodded and left. *Me and Leo?* I asked myself. *What happened between us? Did something bad happen?* I asked my self more and more again. But I didn't know any answers to any of my questions and I shouldn't ask them. I laid down and fell asleep with dreams with more memory's of him asking me out and how happy we were. But for some reason it felt wrong and not good. But in the memory's we were happy. What happened?



Sup guys! I know this chapter is short but it's all I could do for it. But anyways I'll make more soon or I'll try. Comment,vote and follow please. Thank you.

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