Happy end

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It's been two years since Amy and Raph have been together. They all have kids but Mikey and Dixie. Most of them was only 1. Amy and Raph were happy for them of Course. But raph was a little sad, he wanted what Leo and Donnie had. So Raph went to the surface and looked for a special gift.


I was In human form and I found a jewel store. As I looked around a girl had offered me help. She took me to the rings and she started to tell me about them. After a few minutes I finally found the perfect one, it was a beautiful Snow White heart. It had little diamonds around it to make it sparkle even more. But in the middle of it was a small green heart. Something in me was saying it was the right one. "That one is $4,000." She said. I fronted and sighed. "I don't have that much... In fact I'm broke." I explained. She looked sad so she whispered "it's on the house. Take it and hope she says yes." I smiled and thanked her. With that I raced back to the lair and saw Amy. The love of my life. "Hey Ames... Can we go on a date?" I asked smoothly. She looked at me and smiled warmly as she nodded. I smiled back at her as she went to her room, I went to mine and dress up.

After a few moments she appeared and kissed me on the check lightly as we went to Donnie's old lab. I still had the bike and hopped on. She jumped on and held me, I took us to a pizza shop and we ate and just talked like normal. Then I took her to a park,we walked and admired the beauty. "Wow... Look at the moon! It's so beautiful." Amy said looking at the sky. I smiled and said "Not as beautiful as you." I saw her blush lightly but smile. I took a deep breath and took Amy's hand. "Ummm Amy. I need to ask you something." She looked at me and I was slowly getting lost in her gaze. "Yes?" I looked away and moved to the ground. "Amy, I love you a lot. And I need you in my life." I said. She still looked confused. So I slowly took out the ring and held it up. "Amy... Will you marry me?" I asked.

She stared at it. I saw tears in her eyes and she jumped on me. She cried into my shoulder and nodded. I smiled and held her close, after a few moments she stopped and smiled at me. "I would love to be yours Raphael." We kissed and I put the ring on her finger . We left to our home.


The wedding is here!!! The walls were a orange red,the brides maids wore bright red dresses. Amy walked out with a dark red dress and approached Raph. They said there vows, and did everything the had to. With that they were merried and super happy.


Amy and Raph had a little girl and a boy. The boys name was Blake and the girls name was jenny. Leo's daughters name was Venus. Donnie's sons name was James. And Mikey's twin boy and girl were called Zog(for boy.) and goz (for girl.) they were all happy and nothing could destroy that.



Sup guys! This is the end. And there's nothing more I do with this story, but I hope you all liked it. My new story I will publish is called a assassins revenge. I hope you read it and like it. Anyways follow me and read my other books. Thanks and good bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2013 ⏰

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