I remember everything

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Once everyone had broken the silence with a cheer I saw Amy walk away. I went to the bathroom and changed into a black shirt with a white hoddie and blue jeans. I finished tying my shoes and raced out. I saw Amy leave in a sprit and I dashed after her intel I ran into Leo. We both smacked hard and flew back. I sat up and shook my head, I saw Leo rubbing his head and looking at me. "What's wrong with you?!" He half yelled. I stood up and looked around, I couldn't find her. This is not good. When she was running I knew she was crying hard. "Hey didn't you hear me?" He asked. I gave him a stare and spat "Back off Leo! Do you know what you did?" He looked confused. "You hurt Amy! Like you did the other 2 times. This is stupid and you have to stop!" Leo fell silent as I explained to him. I pushed him aside as raced outside. "Where is she?" I asked myself. *maybe... The lair!* I went to the lair and heard crying.

I walked around looking for her. I opened her door and saw her crying on the floor clutching her head. I raced to her side and held her. "Amy, Amy listen to me. What's wrong? Come on my little star tell me what's wrong?" After a few moments she stopped crying and looked at me. Her eyes were flashing with sadness,anger, and confusion in her eyes.

"Leo cheated on me before. And then he almost killed me. And now this." Her voice cracked a bit at the end. *how did she remember?* I asked myself still looking at her. She threw her head to the side and hissed "He never loved me! He lied when he said he did!" I heard so much pain in her voice I was torn, but I was more confused. "How do you remember?" I asked. She looked up at me and hugged me. She sobbed in my chest so I held her once again and rest my head on hers as she started to calm down. "I remember when you told me that you loved me... I remember how you always spent time with me and were there for me." She said quietly. I smiled also remembering meeting her and falling for her. It was at first sight and I never wanted anything so badly. Without her I felt a hole in my heart where she would be and how i felt so lonely. But not anymore. I put my finger under her chin and made her look me in the eyes. We locked gazes and I started to lean in intel....



CLIFFHANGER!!!! Hey guys. You like story? Hope so because there will be more soon. A lot more and I hope you'll love. Well later guys I'll make more soon. Maybe another chapter tonight! Maybe, if so there you guys go. If not then I'm sorry. Well bye!

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