Going home

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Raph looked at Amy with sad eyes. "You don't remember me?" He asked. She shook her head slowly still looking at him "but you do look familiar.. Have we meet before?" She asked moving a little closer. Raph smiled and hoped flamed in his heart. "Yes. We know each other. In fact I should take you back home." She smiled and nodded quickly going into a hall way. Dekota watched with a smirk on his face. He pushed himself off the wall and walked towards his old friend. "I'm happy you can help her. She's been really upset that she couldn't remember." Raph gave him a weak smile and Amy ran back in with 2 suite cases. "Alright I'm ready." She smiled and tried picking them up but they fell. Raph picked them up for her and started to leave. Amy hugged dekota one last time and left with Raph.

Everyone was hanging out with there soon to be wife's. When they both were out side Raph stopped and told Amy to wait. She nodded and sat down. Raph flashed her a smile and he went into the room. "Raph? Hey bro are you ok?" Leo asked. "Yea you look happy." Said Donnie. "I am happy!" Shouted Raph. "Why?" Asked Mikey. All of the boys were confused and didn't know about Amy. "Hey you can come in!" He shouted behinds his shoulder. He fully turned around and saw Amy walk in with her arms behide her back and she looked at bit nervous. All other the other brothers jaws dropped and they looked confused. "Hi... I'm Ashely." She said. "No your really name is Amy." Raph corrected. She smiled at him and changed it. Leo was the first one up, he walked forward and hugged her. He held her close. Donnie was the next one and finally Mikey. The three hugged her. "It's great to have you back Amy. Your finally home." Leo said. She had happy tears in her eyes and smiled happily to finally know that she had found her home.

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