Good bye amy

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The boys were back at home with heads down and heavy hearts. Leo was carrying Raph on his shoulders. Splinter had walked in and saw his sons depressed and upset. "My sons. What is wrong?" Leo had put Raph in his room and looked at the ground not saying anything. Mikey had tears but Donnie was the only one who stood up with no tear but had a small voice. "The Krang and the foot clan killed her. They took me and Mikey so they came to save us..." He paused not sure to continue. "Then we were ambused. We all fought them and then a laser came out." Interrupted Mikey, his was crying and his voice was shaken and cracked. "And Raph was the one closest to it. And Amy pushed him out of the way and got hit. It had to kill her. There no way she could live." Leo finally said with anger in his voice. He was angry more then sad, he had still loved Amy even though she and Raph were together. "We should have a funeral. To remember her." Splinter said he too was sad. "Hai sensei." They responded and bowed. He gave them a weak smile and then noticed raph wasn't there. "Where is Raphael?" He asked still looking around. "He's in his room. He should be awake by-" mikey started but a cough cut him off. "Yea I am..." They turned and saw Raph with his arms across his chest and he looked mad. He pushed him self off the wall and walked away. He was going to the surface. Leo was about to go after him but splinter stopped him "Leave him Leonardo. He wants to be alone." Leo looked at his father and nodded. "Hai sensei." Then he turned back to his other sons "You all should go to sleep. It's late and has been a busy night. Good night my sons." They nodded and left for there rooms.


He was sitting on a building ledge and was looking out in the city. The wind blew lightly making the ends of his mask blow into his face. He didn't care though, he felt so bad and his chest hurt so badly. He also was crying a bit. He closed his eyes "Good bye Amy... I'll miss you."



Hey guys! What happens is that They all die also by the Krang. LOl!!! No I'm kidding that dose not happen. I'll write what happens soon. Also read my other books! Thanks and bye.

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