5 years later

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It's been 5 years since Amy had died. Everyone moved on. On the 3rd year they found 4 girls and they fell for them. But Raph, he still loved Amy even though she was gone. Something in him was tell him she was still alive. Leo,Donnie,and Mikey were Engaged to there girls.

One day Raph was out on patrol he was walking as saw the purple dragons. "They're still here?" He muttered but he followed. They robbed and a bank and was about to make a run for it. Right when raph was about to stop them another person appeared and took them down easily and chained them up. "Dang. That was fast. How did he do that?" He asked himself. The person just at down and waited. Raph waited too and watched him. A bit later police sires were heading there direction. The person stood and went up a wall, he appeared across from raph and looked down. Raph quickly and carefully went to the person. "Hi." He said. The person flipped back and looked at him. "It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. Hey you look familiar have we meet before?" He asked. The person stared at him for a few long seconds and then walked up to him and took off his helmet...


A/N CLIFFHANGER!!!! HAHAHAHA. Anyways read more of my books and enjoy!

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