New change in heart

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(Quick note. Hey dudes and dudetts! I've been busy but I'm back! And I've just learned how to make new chapters so it might have been a little confusing at first. But my great friend helped me out and told me. So here's my new chapter. Ok that's all well bye!)


I woke up and saw Raph next to me. I began to panic. What happened? Then all of sudden last night flashed. I smiled of how sweet he was and looked at him. His mask was off and he was snored lightly. He looked so cute. Wait a second! Amelia felica star,you have a boyfriend! But he did try to hurt you and did cheat on you. But now I think I'm starting to fall for Raph. I'm not sure but,maybe splinter could help me. I picked Raph up easily with New found strength and went to his room. I lightly put him on the bed and stared at him,he moaned and turned to his wall. So I started to leave and head to breakfast. There was nothing in the Fridge but Sauce,cheese and some meat. I pulled it out and found bread. I think I'll make homemade pizza. So I quickly got to work.


By the time the pizza was in the oven Mikey,Leo,and Donnie were up and were at the table with there mouthes watering. The timer dinged and they boys kept trying to stay seated when the pizza was pulled out,and the smell filled the room making the boys mouths like water falls. "Close your jaws or no pizza." Amy told them. They shut them closed and Amy began to cut the pizza. "You guys get Raph. We're not eating intel he comes to." She stopped cutting and the boys jumped up and went to Raph's room seeing him asleep. "Raphael! Wake up now!" Yelled Leo as he ran to him shaking him up. "Hurry! We might miss the pizza!" Called Mikey jumping on the bed. After a minute Donnie joined Mikey. Raph woke up and started to yell at them "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? I'm asleep go away." Then he saw his brothers faces,they all looked scared. He quickly got up and asked what was wrong. "Follow us." Donnie grabbed his arm and pulled him to the kitchen where Amy was holding plates with her pizza. Once Raph entered the room and the smell hit him he jumped in the chairs like his brothers. Amy placed the plates in front of them and chuckled when the guys started to eat the pizza.

She walked out and went to talk to master splinter about what She felt and who she should choose. Amy walked in and saw him sitting with his back to her. "Sensi. I need your help." She says and sit on her knees behind him. She bow her head and keep it down waiting intel he said Amy could left her head up. "Look up. I will help you." He responded calmly. She looked at him and explained his problem. Once she was done she looked down at the ground. "I don't know who to choose." Splinter put his hand on her should and asked "what does your mind say,and what does your heat say?" She thought for a moment. "My mind says Leo but my heart says Raph. Which do I trust?" She looked in splinters eyes. "Trust your heart. And since your heart is saying Raphael,you should go to him and ask if he feels the same. I am certain he feels the same." Amy looked at him with happiness and surprised flash against her eyes. A smile appeared as Amy stood up proudly and said "your right! He could,but what about Leo? What do I tell him?" She asked now worried if Leo felt so heart broken he would kill himself. It would have been her fault and she would feel guilty. It seemed like he read her mind so he chuckled and smiled. "He would not do a such a bad thing. I promise he'll be ok." She smiled and raced out to Leo.

"Leo. I need to talk to you." She grabbed his arm and pulled him to her room. "Leo. We've had been a couple for a bit. But I don't think it's working." She said looking in his sea blue eyes. His mouth opens a bit and he said "what do you mean?" "Leo I like you but I don't feel the same anymore. Now i just love you as a friend. I'm sorry Leo. And please don't do anything stupid." She smiled at him. He looked at her sadly but nodded an asked "can I have one last kiss? Just one more and then we can be friends." Amy didn't know what to do. But she nodded and kissed his lips softy. Once she pulled back she said "i promise you'll find someone better then me." He nodded and she left to find Raph.


I went to the surface to hopefully clear my mind. About what? About Amy,I love her a lot and she's always in my mind. I dream about me and her together. Ah! Stop it Raph. She loves Leo and not you. "Raphael?" I heard a soft voice call my name. It sounded like,no it's not. "Hey Raph. It's me Amy. I want to tell you something." I turned around and saw her. She looked at me and sat beside me. "Raph. Do you like me?"

"Yes I like you. Your my friend." I said dodging her question. She frowned and asked again. I didn't look at her this time,I just looked away an sighed. Should I tell her? Something in me was screaming at me to tell her but something was also holding me back. I turned back to her and saw her moving closer to me. Then she grabbed my cheeks making me look at her. "What are you doing?" I asked her. She didn't say anything she just came closer to me. Then she placed her lips on mine and pulled me to closer to her body. Then she let go and got up." I don't love Leo anymore. I love you. I understand that you don't like me back. But I wanted to at least tell you." Then she started to walk away. Wait,she loved me back? Yes! I quickly grabbed her hand and spun her. She looked at me confused intel I kissed her.


I felt fireworks explode and tingles shoot through my body. I suddenly felt warm and hot. I lightly pushed Raph away so I could take a breath. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "I do you love Amy. And I will never be like Leo. I won't hurt you." I smiled, kissed his cheek and took his hand. Then we left to the lair.


Once Amy and Raph got home they sat on the couch and relaxed. Leo came in and sat down next to them. "So what's up?" He asked calmly. "Nothin much. You?" Amy asked back. "Ummm. Well I lost you. But it's ok. I understand and I'm not gonna force yea. So Raph. Why so happy?" Raph didn't even know he was smiling. "Oh. Well I got into a big fight and it was fun." He said. Leo frown knowing the real answer. "I know you and Amy got together. And I'm not mad. She loves you and not me. But at least were still friends." They looked at him shocked. Raph would have thought Leo would at least be a little mad and not so understanding. But they guessed he was just like that. Amy smiled and hugged Leo "thanks For understanding Leo." He hugged back and smiled. Amy let go and went to the kitchen. Leo's smile left his face and he looked Raph in the eyes "you hurt her I'm coming after you." "Well fearless I'm not like you. So I wouldn't ever do that." Leo nodded and left to the dojo.

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